I stand by the fact that this wasn't so bad, but it was funny, and it did get me kicked out of a big gala/party.
I stand by the fact that this wasn't so bad, but it was funny, and it did get me kicked out of a big gala/party.
Tried cocaine for the first (and last) time in a stranger's bedroom and ended up helping the caterer make a bunch of sandwiches. At a party I wasn't invited to.
I would star this comment ten times if I could!! 😂😂
My 4 year old calls everyone buttstink, that's kind of funny. My nephew though, had some of the best ones I've ever seen. He once asked me what I was going to be when I grow up (I was like 26) and on another occasion, my step mom told him he shouldn't eat another piece of candy, at which point he stood on the chair…
This is so stinking cute!!
I wonder what the illustration would be of my son figuring out where babies came from and exclaiming "Oh no, I'm a vagina baby!"
oh god little babies in western gear what is wrong with me
What possible reason could a young mother with multiple children have for carrying a loaded firearm on a shopping trip to Wal-Mart?! Wal-Mart is a threat to the economy but guns aren't going to do shit to stop that.
you're only responsible until you make a mistake. And most of you will make a mistake. It may not end up this badly but you will make a mistake.
I saw this a while back and for the life of me couldn't figure out why Nooooo one else was talking about it!
The worst part about this is, she DID.
oh i know. how did TI not make her practice
iono - you've seen the clip of kreayshawn freestyling? watching both of their freestyling attempts back to back feels like dante's 5th circle.
it took me honestly 30 minutes to get through the first two minutes of this clip
am seriously wondering who do we think would win in a freestyle battle - kreayshawn or iggy azalea?
i have made it exactly 1 minute in. i have paused 4 times. i am paused now. it's already awks and i know that something even worse is coming
Oh god my mouth is permanently curled up from all the cringing.
My guess is that someone at the hospital wrote that. I think Alicia (or her assistant) would have bought a nicer looking certificate and have prettier handwriting.
Oh, jesus. It's not an official birth announcement. Those things are written by hospital staff, in the middle of the night, by the looks of it and stuck on the side of the hospital bassinet.
Thank you. I am glad I was not the only one for judging the penmanship. You couldn't block letter that whole thing if that is what your handwriting looked like?