@Mr. Guy: 20 years old with kids aged 6, 5, 4 and 18 months old? There's your problem right there.
@Mr. Guy: 20 years old with kids aged 6, 5, 4 and 18 months old? There's your problem right there.
@fastlanestranger: ...perhaps you just mean cuckoo? I don't think the Nano has the power to turn men into cuckolds.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: But they will still work in "legacy" outlets. Good luck getting everyone to replace or have to have two sets of outlets to support all electronics already owned + all supporting the new design. Look at the stink caused with the TV digital converter box, and that's (relatively) minor.
For those that don't understand/didn't rtfa, the blue part keeps you from accidentally touching the metal prongs during careless/blind plugging unplugging. The circle part is a button to release the latch that keeps it plugged in.
@natanku: Monster trucks have their engines in the rear...
@RB_Surfer: I said that ALL the combustion occurs inside the jet engine, but just that SOME combustion happens outside. I suppose it would be more accurate if I said the combustion occurs inside the rocket engine, but that doesn't mean all the flames are held within.
@tacomstng: They're two different engines. In a jet engine, all the fire/light is inside the engine, and all you see is the exhaust gases. The combustion chamber is hidden.
@daewootech: @tacomstng: @daewootech: Considering the Earth weighs 1.32 x 10^25 lbs, and this thing puts out a measly 3.6 million at full capacity, I'd say it would take a LOT more than this mouse fart of thrust. If it even had ANY effect, the rotational inertia of the liquid core would fix it right up, like when…
@daewootech: Considering the Earth weighs 1.32 x 10^25 lbs, and this thing puts out a measly 3.6 million at full capacity, I'd say it would take a LOT more than this mouse fart of thrust. If it even had ANY effect, the rotational inertia of the liquid core would fix it right up, like when you spin an egg and stop it…
@daewootech: Considering the Earth weighs 1.32 x 10^25 lbs, and this thing puts out a measly 3.6 million at full capacity, I'd say it would take a LOT more than this mouse fart of thrust. If it even had ANY effect, the rotational inertia of the liquid core would fix it right up, like when you spin an egg and stop it…
@SKiTz: Because of the extreme temperature difference, wherever the NO2 is next to his hand there is a thin layer of vapor from the NO2 instantly boiling. To the -320* NO2, his hand is so hot that anything that touches vaporizes so fast that, effectively, no NO2 comes into contact with his hand. This vapor acts as a…
@Vorgto: Incredible camera is incredible?
@Alchemistmerlin: It looks like he just yakked all over the inside of the shield.
@Skir Mernet: Do you also say Platinium? Tantanium? Lanthanium? Just cuz you have an extra letter across the pond doesn't make it "RIGHT." It's just preference. Just like the -or, -our difference.
@ttyymmnn: No it's not.
I am surprised at all the people who think it's an iPhone 4. It's clearly not. No flash, the camera is obviously further away from the corner than the iP4, and you can see the headphone jack in the curved edge of the old iPhone. It's most likely, you know, the iPhone he had BEFORE he got the iP4.
@Daga: You can not put the Ram-style grill in the same category as this. Yes, they have a vertical line, and a horizontal line, but the similarity stops there.
@GreenN_Gold: Audi's did not originate on a full-size pickup, then adapted for cars.