
My surprise of the year is fairly recent, but the Spiderman PS4 game. It kinda came out of no where, and I wasn't expecting much, but dam that game is fun. A very happy surprise.

I think the biggest, most impactful surprises are the serious attempts at unionizing and Epic gunning for Valve. The unionization efforts are long overdue, and are greatly needed for the industry as a whole. For what I feel is the best comparison, look to the film industry. There are unions, for good and for bad,

God of War wins GotY at Game Awards. Seriously, who had or thought that at the beginning of 2018? I certainly didn’t and it blew me away at how awesome it was to play and then win the hearts of everyone.

Personally I was a big fan of the Joker in Smash reveal at the game awards. I sat up at attention when the ad started, expecting probably a Switch port with new content, but then my friends and I actually yelled “WHAT?!” when they revealed the letter with the Smash logo.

Pandemic Legacy is one of the most fun games I’ve ever played. It’s pretty dense so I know it’s not for everyone, but I picked it up because of the recommendation for 2 players. There are lots of games that say “2-x players” but aren’t actually much fun with fewer than 4 people. Pandemic Legacy is perfect for 2

Pandemic Legacy is one of the most fun games I’ve ever played. It’s pretty dense so I know it’s not for everyone,

Does Mad Max count as game set in Australia?

Trump has accomplished very little legislatively while the Republicans control both chambers. Imagine how they would have fucked Bernie every step of the way. There is no way way to effectively Preside from the Left with a Republican Senate (and House.)

Nah, there’s no “being in the moment”, it’s not about taking a video game too seriously or having fucked up priorities. He’s just a fucking scumbag. Unfortunately piece of shit men who act like this will go off over any number of things, and sadly he’s probably done that before for completely different reasons. It

I’m not going to speculate about how he’d have done if he won or whatever, but I agree on the other points. I think he was the start of better things to come and we’re not going to get that by just re-litigating 2016. They always want to criticize the Democratic Party for “anointing” Hillary - which I do think is true

Like you, I voted for Bernie and then enthusiastically voted for Hillary because she was running against the literal worst person in the country. But we all need to be honest about Bernie. He articulates visions that many of us on the left would like to see come to fruition, but he has not the political force to bring

I love your plan, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. The idea of recruiting Bloomberg, Steyer and Cuban to take on the Senate and the problems in the states (the Census, 270-State Compact, the new Green Deal) is truly a genius one.

A VP shouldn’t be an insurance policy when you run. Just let Bernie step aside and be a mentor.

I hate Trump with every fiber of my ability. However, if Bernie runs, I will not vote for him.

Perfect. Every word here is true. Bernie could and should be the kingmaker, and by throwing his weight behind one (extremely well vetted) candidate from the get-go, he could singlehandedly prevent the anticipated clusterfuck of having 25 candidates in a primary. If Warren (who’d be 70 in 2021) would join him in

The auto equip is nice, but like it said up in the article it can get confused and make some weird choices. It’s usually good at making the obvious choices like negating field advantages, but then it’ll be like “this enemy is tough so I’ll give Kirby a seventh jump.”

The computer is super cheesy. It’ll always land just outside your hitbox and in range to punish a whiffed smash attack. It’s good at avoiding taking damage while on or near an edge (grab, reset, grab, reset “fuck!”).

Ive been opting to play Classic Mode to unlock characters since you’re guaranteed a “Challenger approaching” fight after each run. You can set the difficulty however you want, breeze through it pretty quickly, and it’s a great way to get to know how the characters play in the game. I'm staying away from World of Light

It’s not just you. I’ve noticed a stark increase in CPU difficulty at base lvl (3) compared to previous titles, and I was playing a “familiar” character on a familiar stage. So far, every single character I’ve played has been tweaked to be different in some (or a lot of, in many cases) way, making me feel kind of

Haha I totally scrolled right through that part as well.

I still wanna know who thought this was a good idea in first place...