Lovato’s response to this tattoo artist was epic:
Lovato’s response to this tattoo artist was epic:
You’re like, 19, aren’t you?
I was referring to your assumption that I fall into the ‘normal heterosexual’ paradigm. I have no problem with others finding this amusing- I was expressing my opinion that humor might actually be more challenging than just playing out tired old stereotypes. To me, this would have been humorous had it been men acting…
Hope you don’t tell straight folks what funny is
Thanks for your hetero-normative response. Yeah “homosexual” is a clear tip off. Hopefully this makes you question all sorts of assumptions- I’M NOT STRAIGHT. And I don’t get to tell anyone else what to find funny- I get to express what I find cheap and cheesy and lame.
Take some deep breaths, Mary.
Do you know that that poster is straight?
How do you know thursafternoon is straight? Also, I’m gay, and I don’t find it funny, so...
Apparently homosexual stereotypes are HILARIOUS as long as it’s a gay-on-gay crime. Reach a bit higher, please.
Not to mention a violation of the Flag Code, which I’m sure her superiors in the Air Force were absolutely hunky-dory with.
“The American flag represents our Freedom why would you want to walk on that???”
I know that obvious question is obvious, but using the flag in a protest to preserve human dignity is offensive to this woman, but using it as a prop in her nude photos is totes cool?
Throughout it all, several of the assembled black students point out that she’s resisting arrest and speculate what would’ve happened to them if they’d done the same.
As someone who is 20 but looks younger, I can tell you these kinds of comments hurt a lot more than you think. Isn't Jezebel supposed to support women? Because this insulting her looks snit isn't very supportive
Why do all the headlines for all four of these stories sound like they were written by the cunt punch sorority girl?
Ok Jezie - what's going on? I held on until the second paragraph gritting my teeth. The reason I love this site is for the empowerment and insight of the writing. This piece fails on all sides. Who wants to be a begging dish towel on the floor. No one...and your readers did not deserve this. Fail.
Lena is proud of her body
"Dudes are gonna come regardless because DICK."
I'm a dude, and in my entire sexual history, there has only been one orgasm I haven't been nearly entirely responsible for. One. Every other time, I've had to pull magic tricks to pop on command for whoever I was with, or they got theirs and I got left to rub one out in…
I don't disagree that women need/deserve more prep to come. And your metaphor is solid and accurate in its basic description. I just don't think it fully provides a fair context. In other words, just because a guy finishes doesn't mean it was super enjoyable. I can think of plenty of sexual encounters I've had—and…
nothing else to add.