Well I’m definitely going to be cracking open Batman: Long Halloween and Superman: For All Seasons after reading that.
Well I’m definitely going to be cracking open Batman: Long Halloween and Superman: For All Seasons after reading that.
Was he looking for some sort of hook or novelty to stand out from all the other white male comedians that are afforded the most opportunities anyway? I don’t see why he would say this in the first place other than that he finds himself so fundamentally uninteresting that he had to fabricate a story to appear…
My favorite Effie Brown story:
I don’t like the guy’s videos and I think that he sparked a really awful YouTube trend. HOWEVER...
That’s amazing. I think you can tell he’s a bit fed up with just doing PewDiePie like he’s still 20 years old. He’s matured, he’s gotten insanely popular and a TV show sounds like the perfect thing to come out of his career IMO.
It just felt like the only reason they invited Effie to the panel was to check off the diversity boxes. Why have her there as the minority voice of you're not even going to listen to what she has to say?
I don’t treat my phones nicely enough to have a hell of a shot of making back decent enough money for it to be financially worth it. Any idea of how often you should upgrade if you just want apps to actually function?
The article is not wrong, and youre not wrong. I see what youre saying, it is along the lines of what I do. Factoring in that I count grams of protein, and then make sure Im getting all my nutrients, while not going over my calories. But were ok with that, and were obviously not looking to have our fat loss down to a…
I was actually watching this show as I saw this article was posted! I’m not a big fan of Adventure Time (which is fine, but not really my thing). Steven Universe is amazing, though! The action is always creative and fun, and the music is fantastic! I’m just bummed that Hulu doesn’t have all the episodes on yet. Any…
The MRA movement has found their King. He is the Chosen One.
I mean, it’s kind of hard to come up with fresh answers to the same question for the 500000000th time
kermit did 9/11
My take on the trademark thing was that she just didn't want fast fashion chains like Forever 21 and Wet Seal to sell clothes with those phrases on them. Which they absolutely would have, and probably put them on TSwift lookalike mannequins, with high waisted sequined shorts and bright red lipstick.
That’s not really what they’re saying. They’re saying that straight-identified women who have success with men may be more likely to never explore the possibility that they might also be attracted to women. They’re SAYING that a lot of straight people may just not know they aren’t straight because they haven’t tried…
Perhaps you should submit something to the Gawker tips box, rather than some schlub who makes shitty comments. Just sayin’.
Would YOU want to be king of Philly? That’s like Homer getting handed down the Denver Broncos
How has someone with a working knowledge of the English language, an IQ over 100, and an acute distaste for cheesesteak, not walked into this town and declared themselves King yet? It’s a city comprised solely of chain-smoking, playdough humanoids who smoke Marlboro reds and pound Natty Ice.
Blows my fucking mind.
Cats are sociopaths, too. He’ll fit right in.
Yes because south park and family guy haven’t repeatedly ripped the piss out of the Japanese have they?