How similar to LoL is it? Maybe if this website had covered it 1/10th as much as it talks about LoL I would have heard about it.
How similar to LoL is it? Maybe if this website had covered it 1/10th as much as it talks about LoL I would have heard about it.
Oh I agree. In fact, I’d say the article is right in that The Mindy Project isn’t good at handling its female friend characters. Mindy realized she wasn’t able to write them into the show in a way that made them important so she dropped them. It was a misstep but a necessary one for her show to continue and for her to…
Me too! If I wasn’t at this panel where Mindy made these statements I might have been swept up too.
You took a pretty benign statement from this woman and spun it into an issue by making a snap judgment, so I’d argue that you’re the one with a negative attitude. The fact that you can’t get along with 50% of your female coworkers, but criticize women who can’t get along with other women confirms it.
But everyone can chill, because Female Friendship will be a main focus of the upcoming fourth season, Kaling explained.
Congrats, you shit talk 50% of your female coworkers. Do you not see the hypocrisy yet?
Yes. I’m so glad I use adblock when I’m on this bullshit site.
Dude, you SHOULDN’T hate on her for this. It was a very honest statement that Jezebel somehow twisted into an article.
Right? Anna Camp added literally nothing to the show. The ‘friend outside of work’ dynamic didn’t do anything to elevate the show so they dropped it.
Good job making it harder for women to make more female friends by criticizing women who admit they want to make more female friends. Great job.
Her problem is that she spends 13-16 hours a day working in a male dominated field (as the boss of a cast and crew of a television show), which doesn’t open up a lot of opportunities for female friendships. Your assumption that she’s judgmental is bullshit, and she’s done a lot more to help women than Jezebel or any…
I was at this panel and she was genuinely sweet and gave a ton of insight on how to learn from people around you and how to accept who you are.
From working with Woody Allen to starring in the 2 worst Spider-man movies there are to this to working with Woody Allen again, I’m starting to forget a time when Emma Stone made good choices.
I can’t stop giggling.
In case anyone missed it:…
Jonah Tacoma, hahaha that’s like the name Disney Channel would give to a Christian Rock Star that moonlights as a Christian Priest.
That’s awesome.
I have a few good friends from Sweden. Apparently the conservative party has gone from some obscure fringe group to actually having power. There’s also a feminist party that is very small and very unhappy with the current status of women’s rights. Some of their platform seems quite out there from what I’ve heard…
“He was apologetic. He said he was embarrassed. He regretted doing it, but he took ownership of it and said that even in the embarrassment he had to face consequences.”
All college students are the worst, it seems.