
So you’re saying....people in anime with nose bleeds are cocaine consumers? O.o

Is the Hunt the movie where they’re “try to paint the conservatives reality as being hunted by the left”? lmao that premise is so fucking disgusting, conservatives will use it to paint themselves as victims when they’re not at all

I was thinking the same, gosh he was so underused in Doctor Strange

let’s be honest, it’s not like Fox has been releasing good productions recently, Deadpool is the most popular so far, but that was because Ryan Reynolds was given free reign over it due to the abismal lack of support and credibility from Fox.

did you know children and adults are different? especially in the way they conduct themselves?

someday, in an alternate reality, Joss Whedon will learn to develop his characters beyond Buffy & co but remixed

*cries in Spanish* ¿Por qué?

That mural with the mention to the first BoF game is great, finding Deis inside the pyramid and making all of the connections also felt epic. BoF was such a great RPG by Capcom, I’m so sad and angry they released the 6th installment as a mobile game wtih freemium stuff.

they’re supposed to beat u the first time, it was proven by a guy who left his PSOne turned on for days, after spending the first part of the game grinding on low level monsters, till he had Ryu, Rei and Purple Kid, be around lv 50, left the game on auto and could prove the following:
- The Horse Bros had finite MP.

You know Canada persecutes and ignores natives all over their country right? In my book, that ain’t being considered nice.


this is my main issue with Marvel/DC comics, all of the retcons butcher original storylines, instead of retiring characters and giving space to new characters, to create a real legacy, they keep retconning and adjusting characters to modern settings

You misunderstood, they meant, if the stones are removed from that reality, the split timeline would have one stone less becoming chaotic, so to ensure the split timeline wouldn’t be affected, they would return them at a moment shortly after they were removed, to ensure nothing would happen to that reality.

our reality was this close to get Tessa Thompson is dogsona form, and we dodged a bullet the size of Texas with that, too bad another reality wasn’t so lucky

I thought she was the white trash from Orange is the New Black lmao

Nemesis is quite popular, he even appeared on MVC 3, RE3 had some different things, like forking paths in the story depending where you went first and Nemesis constant pursuit raised the stress.

I’m born and raised in Mexico, and honestly, the tacos sold on the USA are nowhere near equal to the ones here, the taste is so different, even from those tacos from taquerias found in the USA.

Simple: out of shape heroes, take note, for 5 years the three of them weren’t fighting like before, Thor was out of prime, Tony not only recovered from starving, but spent 5 years as a family man, Steve is the only who we could say was top notch due to him being Steve, so it makes sense the three of them couldn’t

Even Sega said they didn’t like what they did to Sonic, way before the trailer was released, like how was that not a red flag?

I did also chose Golden Deer, I avoided Dimitri cuz he had “SASUKE” written all over his face, and Edelgard seemed the kind that will stab you for a misunderstanding, Claude seemed chill but like putting on a false persona to hide his true colors.