Looch D

To be honest, I would’ve liked to have the option to have a pack-in game for the Switch. I mean, let’s be serious: nobody wants 1-2-Switch, so much so that pretty much every big store chain around where I live (with the exception of Gamestop) has sold out Zelda and has lots of unsold stock of 1-2-Switch.

As others have pointed out before, San Andreas is what resembles the “criminal with a heart of gold” idea. The protagonist is pretty much forced back into crime by events bigger than him. Sure, there is no redemption theme going on, but the writing in that game was so good that it gives a distinctive personality that

I totally agree with you, and I’d also like to add my personal impression about the slow start of older GTA games. I didn’t realize how important their slow start was until I picked up GTA V, where the development team’s paradygm could be summed up as “let’s do the complete opposite of what we’ve done in previous

From the wording in the review it’s not clear if you can use the D-pad or analog stick to steer. Can someone confirm if it’s possible or not?

Censorship! Freeze peach!

Dude says he picked pretending to sing to pretending to play videogames that are rigged from the very beginning.

Maybe you’ve had experience with interpreters, since you mention translators getting paid by the hour, but in the field of localization,, people get paid by word or character.

I apologize, I wasn’t very clear with my previous comment: I was thinking about Collector’s Editions. Their price will go sky-high once the supply starts to run out.

Wow, a translator who doesn’t know the first thing about the localization process.

I’m betting is is due to people planning to buy a switch but who are holding off until the first price drop. And if that’s the case, I can’t blame them: in some regions the switch has a rather awkward price point.

Sorry to be that guy, but it’s Più, not piú. Italian doesn’t use the acute accent over u.

Or, more likely, the computer they took the screenshots with wasn’t all that powerful and wasn’t able to render a longer draw distance.

Exactly my thoughts. Every time a new Bethesda comes out, I feel like a complete idiot parting with my hard-earned Euro for what is basically a version 1.2.SOMETHING of Morrowind.

As long as the team doesn’t use material ripped straight from New Vegas, they should (and I stress *should* be fine). But then again, the main draw for many people to Bethesda games is cool mods, since the base game gets stale after 50 or 60 hours.

At the very least that controller actually worked. The steam controller makes old Tomb Raider games totally unplayable.

Tomb Raider Anniversary was pretty good, although I thought that the second chapter was a better game in many respects and still is my favourite of the original pentalogy.

Every time a Mike Fahey writes something about keyboard, a LoochD shakes his head.

Yep, EU servers tend to be really quiet on any game. As someone pointed out a while ago, this has to do with how people in Europe aren’t that confident with speaking in their second language. However, you may still come across weird stuff, from two Russian friends chit chatting in the squad voice channel, to a weird

Truth be told, doom rl is still alive and kicking. It merely had to be renamed to drl.

Man, don’t even get me started on Physx. Yes, the effects are nice, but they cause huge performance drops on Nvidia hardware and pretty much bring any CPU to its knees if you run an AMD graphics card.