Looch D

Uhm... Maybe someone also pointed this out, but my Pentium 4 from 2006 already had integrated graphics.

I wonder why. Growing up as a 13 year old I had a Controller S and, while it was pretty good, the white and black buttons were placed rather awkwardly. But then again, now my hands are bigger so I would probably find it comfier now.

And what he describes is *exactly* where 22cans went haywire. Okay, Molyneux has a creative mind, which is good, but also entails that he needs someone to slap him (figuratively) whenever he speaks too much, seeing how “Molyneux said” is seen by people as “it’s definitely going to be in the finished product”.

Simple: they were pretty much on the edge of the map, far away from the capture point/payload/whatever it was.

Actually, the new conversation system improves drastically the experience, in my opinion. It’s way better than the previous choice between “nice person” and “complete asshole” you had in the original trilogy. And Andromeda actually has a female protagonist worth playing with and whose voice acting isn’t atrocious.

Can’t talk about C&C because I’ve never played it, but I have to second your comment about Sacred 3: It’s a competently-made hack and slash game that, while completely different from the previous 2 games, isn’t that bad and feels solid to play.

I can only imagine how bad your cravings are. I feel you bro. :(

Bethesda should take notes and replace Nuka Cola with Nuka Chips.

Meanwhile, Black Ops III’s servers (at least European ones) are deserted.

Or... You know, maybe American police departments should assess the situation better before deploying their special forces.

I just got Overwatch because I find it on sale on Amazon and I wonder if it still has the same 3 modes it launched with or if they added more down the road.

That depends on the software house, really. Some may decide to just have three regions, whereas others may have more or less. I don’t know about Overwatch specifically because I haven’t gotten the chance to get it yet, so I don’t know exactly how many regions you can choose from.

I’m already confused.

Exactly my thought. Maybe Bethesda games spoiled me or something, but I feel like the marketing for this game hinted at something like “the elder scrolls in space”. Which would have been kind of awesome IMO. And it’s not like Bioware couldn’t have done that before they have a well established mythos and universe with

I doubt the switch has enough horsepower to run something like destiny, but a PC version would indeed be sweet for someone like me who’s craving for a good coop game, since Gearbox has pretty much stopped caring about Borderlands.

Didn’t consider that. Thanks for clarifying.

This rather surprises me, so I’ve got to ask: why European servers? Wouldn’t it make more sense performance-wise to connect you guys to Asian or Australian ones?

FINALLY! I seriously hate it when the AI gets all “you’re a Nazi” just because the whole world was attacking me and I conquered an enemy city.

About the choice of not including any games with the Switch, which is very odd for a Nintendo console, I think they really should have reworked 1-2-switch into something that could be played in single player as well and bundle it with the console, like they did with Wii Sports and Nintendo Land. I understand it’s

Agreed, at least in part. While WWI was used by some nations to pursue a nationalistic agenda (like Italian irredentism) and helped shape a feeling of national unity, it still did not solve many of the issues that had plagued Europe for at least the previous 40 years. And also created more issues which culminated in