Creature from the Black Lagoon

And Jezebel, you have done it. I'm actually crying. Yes yes yes. I feel constant negativity just from the way people talk about their own birth experience. Its gotten to a point where I am actually thankful to have been on bed rest for the past 6 weeks because I don't have any outside human interaction. But that

Christy Mack is a fucking hero for being so open about her ordeal and her road to recovery. She is helping a lot of people with her willingness to share, and I hope she knows that.

The women who star in the porn that I cling to at night like gollum with an erection while he cries bitterly are SO BELOW ME. Seriously. I'm so much better than those whores. Now excuse me, I need to clean up all these tissues and then go microwave a hot pocket for dinner.

Yeah I too find it super attractive when a woman wears uncomfortable shoes that would make it virtually impossible for her to run away from me if she wanted to.

I'm due in one month and I've gained 30 lbs. I haven't given two fucks about what I've eaten, though I've tried to avoid a lot of caffeine. I have exercised a total of zero times. I go to Five Guys and get a double bacon cheeseburger and fries whenever the craving hits (every 3 weeks or so). I cook fajitas, pot roast,

PLEASE Michael Pitt! Boardwalk Empire went straight to shit when he left.