
A friend of mine who used to be a biker chick from MB told me that there have been some recent push-back against "[White] Bike Week" as well, though not nearly as much as there is against Black Bike Week.

In Japan, child pornography is legal to possess, but not to produce or distribute. This avoids the rare case of someone being prosecuted for owning pictures of their under-aged selves that could be considered pornographic, but also stimulates the black-market for CP by eliminating the threat of prosecution once

From what I can tell, he's viewed as an outsider in politics and people like him for being different from other politicians. His father, who died when he was a young child, was Yakuza which separates him, or at least part of his public image, from high-society politicians. He's shown a belief in a smaller

Almost every human is capable of taking the life of another person. It is not something exclusive to the military. It's a choice that virtually anyone has the ability to make. If you redefine the argument as one of people that have chosen to be in a position where they may cause loss of life, you can also include

You can think of the additional content as an expansion that is released in pieces so you can get content sooner as well as choose which pieces of content you'd like to pay for. This isn't day 1 DLC. I never heard anyone complaining about having to pay for Brood War to get extra content for SC.

Are outfits like this common in certain religions? I have a decent understanding of most of the major religions, and even a bit of some more obscure ones, but I've never paid much attention to the religious institutions themselves. When I first saw that outfit I thought, for a second, I was on Kotaku and someone was

Actually, that phrase makes him likely to be a troll. It's a meme that is overused in places like 4chan.

This series of events reminds me a lot of some of the breakdowns my mom has had. My mom has never been formally diagnosed with anything, but the best fit I've found for her is BPD.

In California, you can't even sit at the bar unless you're 21 or older. This includes bar areas inside regular restaurants.

As a SoCal lifer, I've noticed that many churches push hard whenever a political position regarding homosexuality comes up. I've even met some people who didn't really care about the issues either way, but were coerced by their church leaders to hang propaganda from their apartments. I haven't seen the same push when

I was about to post something similar when I saw your post. I'd like to add that men are allowed to lower themselves to the lowest common denominator and then come back up. Once a woman lowers herself, she often is not allowed to come back up. I feel there's a similar dichotomy between whites and minorities.

Sure, choosing whether or not to shop at a company is a way of influencing their behavior. That does not mean you should restrict your influence to only that one avenue if you disagree with its policies.

I'm often naked at home as well; part of it probably has to do with the temperature being 80 degrees at 3 in the morning here. Anyone else find it annoying when a friend decides to send a video-chat request instead of normal voice chat? It's a pain to rush and put on clothes before hitting accept.

Squall's attitude in 8 never really bothered me. Like, on the other-hand, like, all of the characters in FFX talking as if they're, like, from the part of southern California I'm, like, from, except 15 years ago, is, like, pretty fucking annoying.

Have you listened the the Opera with a live orchestra and 3 soloists for Maria, Draco and Ralse? The VGO did a pretty good job with it, and the performance is up on youtube.

My nostalgia is mainly for 1 and 4, with a bit left over for 6. Maybe that's why my favorite 3D FF, not counting modern remakes, was 9. To me, 9 is to FF1-4 as Phantasy Star 4 is to PS 1&2. That being said, I thought 7's magic system was better than 8, 8 had better characters, and Triple Triad was slightly more

How did Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Bride not make the skip list? It might be the first time I've ever given up on a show before finishing the first episode. I mean, I thought it was probably going to be shit by the name alone, but I like to give each series I have access to 1 episode worth of attention. Heck, I didn't

As of chapter 44 he seems to have started to make some progress.

I haven't bothered to watch the anime, but I'm reading the manga. Its pacing and direction remind me a lot of Boys on the Run and Onani Master Kurosawa.

I've been a cat owner for 27 years, and one of my cats helped raise me as a baby when my parents were busy dealing with their personal drama. We adopted her from neighbors after she had a litter of kittens and didn't get along with one of her boys and she treated me like a replacement for her litter. I like to feel