
That’s not Hope Hicks. That is a photo of me, waiting for the school bus, back in the Reagan era. I’ve always been proud of this photo. My mom did my hair. Lauren was sooo jealous!

Revisiting my comment, I just realized we need to change “himself” to “hisself” too. Time to clean up the English language!

Hey, while we’re talking grammar, I’d like to propose a change from “themselves” to “theirselves.” We say “myself” not “meself,” “himself” not “hisself,” “ourselves” not “usselves.” What say you all?

“Beg the question” used to hide in the shadows of argument logic textbooks, rarely seen in mainstream journalism. Then a few people saw it in contexts where its meaning wasn’t obvious and started using it in a way that really does seem to make sense, and that took off. Should we just let it take on its new meaning,

Great, now I’ll never get to sleep.

So... the second person on Earth to complete the climb took the picture?

But... but he loves women in general!

“Make love” used to mean flirting, courting, or wooing, not actual sex.

“Make love” used to mean flirt or court, not sex.

There’s an old white guy on my local nextdoor.com who always chimes in on any discussion about wildlife with “shoot ‘em and eat ‘em” garbage. Whether it’s a squirrel in an attic or a chipmunk in a pool or what kind of bird seed to buy, he’s guaranteed to show up with his joke. I was mystified this morning when I saw a

Thanks for the tip! Here’s a link to Project 333:

Thank you for telling us this. Should we avoid any clothing that says “Made in Cambodia”? And is there anything else we could do to help?

Yes, even on Amazon, if you type “ethical” or “eco” or “organic” or “fair labor” or “fair trade” in the search box, you will find companies that cover all of those bases. It’s certainly worth the 30 seconds. Of course you have to pay more for non-evil stuff — but what better way to use our “privilege”?

So don’t even try? If you go to Amazon and search for “organic cotton” (because 16-25% of pesticides on earth are used on conventional cotton), and then read up on the companies that use it, you’ll see that most of them have a fair trade/ fair labor policies. It’s not a bad start!

The koi themselves, however, might prefer a less frenzied method of distribution, perhaps even one in which they get to stay in the water and don’t have to bodyslam each other over a piece of food.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will take your words to heart. I have a big pile of mailings from the animal orgs, too, and I never even open the envelopes. I’m saving it all in case I ever think of a way to give it away to new, potential donors. But that would be “propaganda” and, as a vegan, I’ve been solidly

I tried the progesterone-only pills for nearly a year, and they had all the same failings you mentioned. Stupid, useless little things! Also, I also get the migraine aura-without-headache! Huh! But I’ve only had maybe 5 of them in my life, none of them recent, and I think I was able to trace their cause to weird

Another one: where to put eyeshadow? The typical advice is to have the darkest shade in the crease, with lighter shades on the upper lid and below the brow, but a lot of actresses/models/pretty people have the darkest shade on the upper lid. Two totally different looks, and I can’t decide which looks best on my face.

Ooh, I’ll bite! What kind of wedding ring/band should a person wear if a person’s hands aren’t very pretty? My skin is pale mottled white with freckles and a few scars, translucent so you can see all the purple/green/blue/pink blotchy veins underneath. I want to wear a wedding band for social reasons, but I don’t know

Trust yourself that you did your research and got the best car at the best price for your situation. I trust you! Then, once you get the car home, put a dent in it. Somewhere small and inconspicuous. It takes the edge off the new-car anxiety!