
Just come to my house and gather my dog’s fur off the furniture and floors. Warm, sooo soft and fluffy, platinum blond underfluffies that she sheds twice a year.

Actually, you sound like a superhero to me. You obviously have willpower and strength of character. And compassion.

I know this is late, but I have to agree that you should try to keep your mother out of it for now. She’s probably uninformed about mental illness in general, and she’s too close to your situation to see it objectively anyhow. If she’s a reader, you can give her lots and lots of books and websites to read about mental

Is it the Percy Jackson series?

I got that same fortune cookie message and I pinned it up on my living room wall! It’s hysterically funny to me, because I have major depression and inattentive ADD and hypersomnia and chronic-fatigue symptoms and neurological symptoms and am long-term unemployed and almost entirely sedentary, just a little more

I played music at a church last Easter, and when I came home, I took off my fancy clothes and hung them over the bed post, not sure whether they were dirty enough to put in the laundry pile. They’re still there.

At least stretch a little for a few days before your ski trip. Hamstrings and quads, achilles tendons/ankles, that sort of thing. It’s not cardio, but it will help stave off soreness after your first day skiing.

Political aspirations?

(Just in case someone doesn’t get it, “gingers” are known to be resistant to anesthesia.)

They do love to accessorize.

You and that GS are wearing the exact same ruff.

Seriously. So much for the “ugly, bitter feminists” trope.

Hmm, Fluffy has spaniel ears. I’m surprised it didn’t pick up on that.

I think that one was you.

The camera briefly cut to one of her teammates, who were doing her dance moves on the sidelines.

It was one of her teammates on the sidelines. They were doing the dance moves with her, and the camera cut to them briefly.

Good point. I wonder if the two gymnasts switched routines, what the commentary would be?

I think the sound quality of the video cut out a lot of the quieter and lower sounds. It might have more of a spine-tingling effect if you heard it live.

Yeah, I’ve seen that particular move in other floor routines. I don’t think they’re trying to be sexual; it’s just creative choreography that happens to remind us of “sexy” poses we see in the media when it’s done by an adult woman. I know that little kids strike poses like this when they’re rolling around on the

She’s not wearing socks; that’s some type of athletic tape. She might have recent ankle injuries or weakness.