
What will Shiv lose? Tom was right that she really has nowhere to fall from and will be ok...she still has her shares and oodles of cash, and all she stands to lose is the respect of a bunch of people who don’t respect her anyway - her brothers included.

Yeah I forget how fast they got going there, but I was able to suspend disbelief by telling myself that reverse has a hell of a lot more torque than the forward gears...which I don’t know if that’s true but I heard it somewhere. So for short distances reverse is actually better than a forward gear...or at least that

THANK YOU for saying this - I’m not saying Shiv’s a rocket surgeon or anything, but I’m shocked how many viewers seem to think Kendall or Roman have things figured out and that Shiv is a bumbling fool, when it’s much closer to the opposite.


I feel like Drive had a better car chase than most of the movies on this list. And I definitely agree about the Bourne movies.

Too soon!

It should have been higher on the list, so it’s not really your fault.

Where’s Men In Black?

I actually feel The Sopranos was the first - to my knowledge - to have an entire show full of unlikeable characters but was largely misunderstood because people thought Tony was cool.

I actually own that on DVD...and thank you for reminding me to rewatch it!

And I say that as a huge fan of cheesy 80's vampire movies. I’m unabashedly a fan of both movies, which is probably why I got the names mixed up.

Ach, you’re right! I got my cheesy 80's vampire movie names mixed up, thank you for correcting me!

Totally agree, but it’s Fright Night for me.

I worked as a waiter for a while and sometimes I didn’t make twenty bucks a DAY from tips. Not to mention the restaurant I worked at didn’t even pay the 2 bucks an hour they were supposed to (I suspect that’s not out of the ordinary).

But...what did you expect from a one dollar margarita? Honestly asking.

Literally the only movie I’ve ever walked out of.

Your list is wrong.

Oh yeah, you bet. And get this: in the scene, they’re cousins.

Not to mention an Alfred Molina and a Steve Coogan if you’re into that kinda thing.

You mean Cigarettes & Coffee. Coffee & Cigarettes is Jim Jarmusch and is, in my opinion, far superior.