
Not based on the other threads my dude...I consider myself a bit of a comics nerd, but even I don’t recognize a lot of the second-tier characters being raised up as examples by other posters...which I take as evidence that I’m among my people, and definitely not the alpha.

What’s it doing on the AV Club, then?

Well, of course you’d think that, you’re Quetzalcoatl.

Yeah that one was probably the worst. At least with Thor and Wonder Woman they have similar hair and fashion sense. 

Almost all of these are a stretch, but they definitely lose me at Thor/Wonder Woman. 

One reason might be that they clicked a link to an article about her, scrolled past the article, and then wanted to comment about the article so they had to think about her, at least a little, even if they didn’t want to.

“Jeff Bezos to launch girlfriend into space” is the correct title for this article.

Commie! ;)

He’ll walk in fields of gold alright.

Sounds like she’s a professor at Columbia College, graduated from Madison, and gave an interview to a Colorado College newspaper. 

Please pull around to the second window.

Things must be very awkward when Brian and Laverne meet at the Cox’ family Thanksgiving dinner.

A lot of these supersets seem like a good way to hurt yourself, particularly the single leg deadlifts and step-ups.

He kinda looks like a funhouse mirror version of Taylor Kitsch. I don’t know if that makes him handsome though, since I mean that literally.

I loved how it simultaneously paid tribute to and made fun of the madness and irony of the culinary world. Great, great flick.

Thanks! In case I left any doubt, I share your wonder at his continued popularity with casting directors.

I’m assuming he’s another nepo baby but his dad is just really, really quiet about it.


He’s no Vincent Vega. I agree that he’s not a great guy, but they definitely didn’t do anything to make him unlikeable, which I think would have been much more interesting.