
Why are there no “reply” buttons on the questions below? Some of the questions a supremely answerable imo

Jesus Chrits. This kid hasn’t even stepped on a pro field and look at this, just like Eli Freaking Manning, he’s ready to skip town because “Wah wah I deserve more even though I haven’t proven myself yet.”

Um if you’re black you obviously would get a black one

I didn’t want to be the one to say it, so thank you.

Ah, my fault. I wasn’t clear enough. Nothing against you as an actress or any other actress out there and, believe me, I know there are tons and tons of actresses and that’s why I understand that casting is a hard job. Casting is not easy, esp when you’re casting for two really well known people.

Worked as an actress in NY? In like a local theater or something? Not knocking it I love Shakespeare in the park.

Agree 100%. Can’t wait to have a daughter some day. She’s gonna be so proud of me.

Pretty easy to take a drug test for someone else so I’m surprised they would pay so much. Of course, if it was A-Roids it’s really not that much money. But hey most of MLB isn’t A-Roids right?

Worked in Hollywood for a couple years so I know what I’m talking about. Just saying.

Probably never jmo

Soon enough the greys will be the part of the comments people skip to. Looking forward to it!

Pretty sure you mean Gwinnett County.

Agree. Sometimes when you think of public couples, you mention Jay Z and Beoyence and I would certainly extend that to Kanye and KK as well as Tim Robbins and that redheaded lady who supported Bernie and was very vocal about it and still will not support Hillary for some unknown - probably very personal - reason, you

The man looks quite like Barack but that girl looks nothing like Michelle. Bad casting. Still, looks like a really good movie though.


People say all the time that your body is a temple... and a temple is kind of a house right? So given that this guy is all bloated and fat, and has no brain, yeah I guess he does live in an empty house. Except that belly is probably filled with Budweiser and fried foods. LOL the hits keep rolling on this sweet Friday

Oh man, lol

Yeah, damn straight. I was all up in that business last couple seasons. Doin that thang. Hey good luck this year.

Haha,don’t make me blush, and thanks. Yeah I’ve been here commenting and reading stories for a really long time now. Man, where has the time gone? I swear if I had a nickel for ever word I’ve read on here... Well, see ya out there.

Exactly why it’s so sad for me. I’m also sorry to hear about your back. People talk a lot about concussions but for me that’s never been a huge issue. Sure, your head is important. But I’ve always been concerned with knees mostly, and obviously the back as well. There have been more knee injuries then anything else in