
Yeah, damn straight. I was all up in that business last couple seasons. Doin that thang. Hey good luck this year.

Haha,don’t make me blush, and thanks. Yeah I’ve been here commenting and reading stories for a really long time now. Man, where has the time gone? I swear if I had a nickel for ever word I’ve read on here... Well, see ya out there.

Exactly why it’s so sad for me. I’m also sorry to hear about your back. People talk a lot about concussions but for me that’s never been a huge issue. Sure, your head is important. But I’ve always been concerned with knees mostly, and obviously the back as well. There have been more knee injuries then anything else in

I’ve always been a big Romo fan so this is kinda sad for me. I remember when all the haters thought he was a choke artist after he miffed that punt hold and whatever. Good call idiots. He’s the top fantasy quarterback.

Clearly you are unconcerned if you’re willing to vote for a neocon to the right of GW Bush but hey it’s your life you go get it gal.

Def more of a Caitlyn Jenner fan that a KK fan these days and honestly a lot of that has to do with Kayne West.

I agree with what you said, if anyone cares.

LOL is that Sammy Sosa?

I knew it. You are basically the first Leslie Jones.

I live in Florida so, no there aren’t any open seats and yes this state is going to Lil Miss Liar anyway. So, no worries. You guys can settle down.

Hillary accepted money from Russia in order to sway her decision on a Uranium deal. There’s an entire NYT story on it. Not to mention her “reset” was a total failure. She just isn’t honest. I can’t vote for dishonesty. I will not cast a vote that says “I’m a fool.”

Doubtful, considering her complete disregard for things like “laws” and “the well-being of others.” Obama respected both.

Holy shit. Is that a picture of Ty Cobb punching Jackie Robinson? What’s the over/under for the value here, like $20mm? Considering what art is getting these days and that this collection isn’t that far from it, this is going to get a boatload of money. Probably another hedge funder buying up a piece of this nation’s

Well, I didn’t know about the BBQ or that you didn’t like pizza so I guess you win this one.

I bet you do eat dinner. It’s only 13:53ET... long time to go before you’re craving that pizza!

Not so sure about that, honestly. Bernie didn’t put on a front except for when he endorsed Hillary. I don’t think anyone actually believed he wanted to do that. Gave me a chuckle actually, which was good because otherwise I would have continued crying. It’s those little realizations that keep politics so interesting

:) Thanks. We don’t have to disagree on everything you know! You Hillary supporters... some of you are great talkers.

He said that he’s always loved Europe and France in particular, but that he disagreed with some facets of European History and that sort of ideology really took hold during his AP courses in the subject during high school. I thought he was just a gorgeous, phenomenal face but it turns out he took a couple AP course:

I vote my conscience and have decided opting out of this election is the morally sound choice.

Wrong again, Sandra. I am too morally sound to vote for a lying piece of garbage like Hillary Clinton. She is the face of the establishment and the establishment is broken. Smarter people than you are able to see that, and that is not meant as an insult. Studies show that Bernie voters on average have much higher IQs