
Hey that sounds familiar ;)

Mark, you are all the evidence we need.

Mark, the fact is that Bernie voters have higher IQs on average than Hillary voters. Those are just stats. So if you want to try and skewer me for not allowing my morals or my brain to be compromised by voting for a foul woman like Hillary then go ahead. I will rest easy knowing I’m doing the right thing.

Nobody cares about women’s rights more than me, Trish. I have been told it is not possible for Trump to win so don’t you worry ok? It’s gonna be fine.

Not possible according to your username. That’s like suggesting Santa Claus will start delivering gifts on Easter right? Not possible according to you. Checkmate.

I still haven’t gotten to it tbh. Sorry. I will try.

Is that why you spent all that time making sure to comment back to me telling me how much you just don’t care?

I’ve commented at Deadspin since before Leitch ran the joint.

Pretty sure you’re using that word wrong but hey you’re voting for Hillary so you must be right, right? SMH

If Hillary will win easily then she doesn’t need my vote. And I don’t need that moral baggage.

It’s a fool’s errant to think you can impress everyone. Just sayin’.

No problem. Easy to do on a message board like this one.

Haha thanks but honestly I don’t impress everybody.

Greatness is the enemy of equality.

Agree, but not here. Here we are talking about a greedy jock trying to extort an entertainment company. And hey, listen, I hate the NFL and the owners as much as the next guy, but this kid needs to learn the position he’s in. Does he want to get paid millions to play a game or make pennies flipping burgers? His

Honestly? I’m not too concerned with the optics of all of this. I’m concerned with the facts on the ground.

You’ve got to be kidding me with the length of this comment. Maybe we agree maybe we don’t but either way I will have to bookmark this and read it later sometime. Maybe on a road trip across the country or something.

Hillary will care... when she’s knee-deep in prison.

Uhh... excuse me? Nobody is talking about race here.

Not a very apt comparison imo, but then again I think you knew that. This guy is trying to squeeze them for extra millions, not really working hard for that bump up to $18/hr. He’s not a unique talent and he can go f**k himself for pulling a stunt like this.