
Honestly? I’m not too concerned with the optics of all of this. I’m concerned with the facts on the ground.

You’ve got to be kidding me with the length of this comment. Maybe we agree maybe we don’t but either way I will have to bookmark this and read it later sometime. Maybe on a road trip across the country or something.

Hillary will care... when she’s knee-deep in prison.

Uhh... excuse me? Nobody is talking about race here.

Not a very apt comparison imo, but then again I think you knew that. This guy is trying to squeeze them for extra millions, not really working hard for that bump up to $18/hr. He’s not a unique talent and he can go f**k himself for pulling a stunt like this.

Exactly. After taxes and expenses this child would be lucky to have $10k in the bank and I do not feel bad for him about that. He made his bed.

The only help I need is a little more attention from our bartender at the local soccer joint we go to. Guy cuts me off way too early ever single time.

Agree. But also, this kid has to realize how privileged he already is. Sitting back and demanding more privilege is not a good look in 2016.

I voted for Bernie and will not be voting in The General.

People get drafted 3rd overall every year. Yawn.

No one should remain uneducated enough to think a game doesn’t deserve respect. Checkmate.

Hey I’m actually really concerned about concussions and think that the NFL needs to do more about it re: safety precautions. I’m just saying as it exists these boys are expendable products, not people, and this guy should realize that he is arguing from a position of weakness.

Hey, if you think following Steve-O is embarrassing then you’ve never seen him live. Seriously there’s so much drugs and alcohol and crazy wild stuff going on you can get away with anything there. Anything.

Just saying this white boy isn’t good enough to make these demands. 99% of football players are just brainless expendable doofi.

Fact is football players are expendable and replaceable. This is evident in their extremely low life expectancy as well as the very short average life of their careers. The Chargers should cease all contact with this fool and let him make a living as a personal trainer.

Idk about that. Almost every American kid grows up playing soccer and it teaches them many things. Exercise, respect for the game, being a good teammate, following directions, hand eye coordination, being part of something bigger than yourself, and many other things.

Really? Seems so cool on that show.

I wouldn’t say nobody. I’m part of a soccer-watching club that meets every weekend to watch soccer games, both on TV and in person.

Good question. I personally would choose the paper cuts but it’s not for the reason you think. You see, I use to watch a lot of Steve-O stuff and there was this one stunt he pulled where he took a manilla envelope and had another guy give him papercuts in the webbing between each finger.

Don’t usually trust Wikipedia [anyone can edit...] but I’ll give this one to you.