
This makes me so sad.

He didn’t die; he was just called back to Lovetron.


“Aggressive cars, wide, big wheels, huge wings, 1,200 horsepower.”

Lehigh Valley Hospital - Cedar Crest is one of the top trauma hospitals in Pennsylvania. They helped Bobby Allison recover from his head injuries at Pocono in 1988. That helicopter is one of Lehigh Valley Hospitals own. He is being given the best chances possible in his time of need.

Sickening to witness. I got the same feeling I did when I saw Kubica, Massa, and Bianchi’s crashes. Hoping beyond hope that this ends like the former two and not the latter.

must be a TK Little...

Setting this incident aside, IndyCar has delivered another solid Iowa Corn Indy race. Even though I am a road course racing fan, I gotta admit that IndyCar’s best races have been on the ovals this year: one of the best recent Indy 500 races, very solid Milwaukee and Iowa oval races, and while not the best, the Fontana

Damn, it’s a sad day for the entire motorsport community. There might be differences of opinion with how the sport is run now, and the direction to take it into the future, but I know that there isn’t a single heart out there that isn’t heavy upon receiving this news.

Forza, Jules.

This is very sad news. I went to law school with his daughter; super sweet girl who loved her father very much.

*Kimi Raikkonen is Formula One’s Most Honest Man.

They should invest in better tools by now. No more harbor freight stuff. Let’s go mac. At least it made the end of the race pretty exciting, so thank you for that.

I’m a long term fan of F1’s true gentleman. I’m watching the Sky coverage and his interview was an unusually frank and emotional one.

Spoilers! Just kidding of course.


Surely we’re not all mad.

OUCH. I’ve seen this GIF before, but I never noticed that even though they put sugar glass in the pane and made it breakaway, the stuntguy actually slams his hip into the mullion, which is as good as slamming into a solid wall. Brutal.


VPN for half the races through the BBC. Absolutely worth it. You watch the races right after they happen (most people don’t watch them live at 2 am here in the states anyway). You can even download them instead of streaming.