I’m still waiting for the shoes that will auto-tweet how awesome I am every time I hit a jump shot on my kid’s Little Tyke hoop.
I’m still waiting for the shoes that will auto-tweet how awesome I am every time I hit a jump shot on my kid’s Little Tyke hoop.
3rd: That quote from that pro-leaver I’d hilarious. I bet that guy thinks there are coffee plantations in the UK.
Yeah, but do you know how hard it is to hit BOTH the upright and crossbar?
It’s because he’s probably running for president??? https://splinternews.com/this-beto-orourke-2020-thing-might-really-happen-1830973610
Politicians gonna politician is not a good counter-argument IMHO.
What makes accepting fossil fuel executives’ money more politically viable than in the past?
All of these possible options sure make him sound like a bad choice to nominate for the presidency!
If it’s a necessity, why sign a pledge saying he wouldn’t do it? Lack of foresight isn’t a positive quality in a potential presidential candidate.
The President doesn't write the budget. Congress does. If the President refuses to sign a budget bill, that's his fucking fault.
This: "Trump promised Mexico would pay for it. The American people won't."
“Oh no, but won’t the Democrats own a government shutdown and pay in the next election?”
Democrats shouldn’t give him shit. Let him shut down the government, then they should go on Fox news and explain that Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall. That if Trump was truly a great deal maker, and fiscally conservative, then he would find a deal that is great for the citizens of this country.
Who am I…
One of Jamie Moyer’s rookie year teammates was Gary Matthews Sr.
If you want to see what it looks like when all the defenders are keying on the ball carrier take a look at the Oklahoma-Boise St play. Half the defense is erased from the play the second the pitch is received - which is the entire point of the hook and lateral play: hope the defense does what you suggest and then flip…
She had a right to express her opinion. Simone had a right to express her opinion by criticizing it. Bono then made a choice. She could have stuck to her guns or turned tail. Lots of people receive heaps of criticism all the time and don’t change their minds. Bono isn’t a victim. She is a former politician now in…
Coach K: “All those checks from Nike were made out to a Mick Shashefsky, and he’s never played for Duke.”
+1 deposit in Grayson Allen’s checking account
Obviously Coach K isn't going to get tripped up in any kind of scandal.