
The mobile version is. Same thing with 675M which is actually 580M. The desktop 670 is not out yet.

i think thats her real body...

there would be a tragic incident later in the book for Jaime, which changed him almost completely. He went from my top 5 loathsome characters to the best 5.

Cqn you share how we can get insider acces as you mentioned?

I know what laptop you have and sadly with it, you'd be better off with a new system.

Wow yeah, definitely NSFW, but hilarious as hell.

Someone need to create a model kit out of this! It would sell like hot cake.

Always aim for the head!

This is just what I need! I thought they havent come out with anything like this yet. Thanks for sharing.

I know her from arrested development.

Thats hilarious!

Its just a limited edition bonus so...yeah

I get a laugh out of this.

Thanks for this!

That would be rad, we barely got to interact with her! But I doubt that could happen :(

Yeah because three factions of 3 separate distintive colors are very confusing.

Thats how we roll!

And we are proud of our ship! =)