
Best gas tank filler location.

Some cars. Not everyone has an arrow. I want to say some use the side of the pump the hose is shown on as an indicator as well.

You are supposed to check for vehicles in the lane you are trying to merge, signal your intention to merge, and then allow any vehicle already in the lane to make space for you to merge (if such space is not available, wait). The white SUV did not do the last part and tried to muscle its way in , hence it got pulled

The SUV cut off the white car and then forced his way in front of the cop, and was inches off the cops front bumper when he did so. Does he deserve a ticket? Debatable, but a reminder that having your turn signal on doesn’t give you the right of way.

But non-prick driver code is to let them in if they signal. I’ll block them all day if they can’t give me the courtesy of a signal, but if they signal, I’ll let them in. If you don’t, you’re a dickhead.

Honestly I don’t see what the white Sequoia did wrong; it appears to be stop and go traffic, it also appears there is a left exit or split coming up (watch till the end), the Sequoia signals to move into the lane, there was a white accord directly behind the Sequoia therefore if the Sequoia slows they’re slowing

I’m guessing (I don’t know the La La Land dudes) that the bald fellow who broke the news over the mic was the above-mentioned Jordan Horowitz?

I’ve never seen him before but I admire how he was serious as a heart attack about this. He wasn’t having any jokes, he was not putting up with any confusion, and he fucking

You guys were rich, lol! We had Commodore 64s untill the 8th grade when we got 286s. I still have my WordPerfect KB template somewhere....

I thought the same thing. I’ve never felt older or poorer than I did when reading that line. My grade school had a “computer lab” full of these:

MacBooks in grade school? Damn I’m old.

The Canadian cars didn’t have passive belts and should be easy to source. This is my GT car i bought as a rolling shell.. needs some love. I did get a 2L16V into it and running but that’s as far as I’ve got.

This. Everything this. But do it in style:

I am not above temptation. I too sometimes think of throwing it all away for Volkswagen Corrado ownership.

Way. This was back in like 2006 or so, but it was a .kml file that would then overlay the names where tracks currently were (or once existed). If I remember you could select from a list as well and zoom to a given location. I remember that it showed a forest where Funabashi was (it was a favorite of mine in Grand Prix

There used to be a Google Earth key file that listed hundreds of auto racing tracks, current and disused/demolished

The old Desoto race track in de soto missouri, closed well before i was born. My grand father raced here when he was younger and Kenny Schrader of nascar fame got his first ever dirt win here. The house waa built by a couple who baught the land and built their house near the spot in turn 4 where they first met.

You must live in some OTHER Canada than I live in. I can guarantee you with the half dozen cars I see a day with DRL only and no freaking taillights on, that they do NOT light up the rear. It should be law, or technically enabled, I completely agree.

I suppose its possible that they’re imported US vehicles I’m

Nooooo they don’t. DRLs are front only in Canada. Reference:

“They/them” has been the de facto neutral singular pronoun for a long time now, and it’s probably going to stick.

This, right here, is why Jalopnik will always be great, no matter how much the editors, Gawker Media, or Nick Denton himself might try to fuck it up.