

Over dramatic? They were laughing the whole time... didn’t seem like anybody was taking it very seriously.

The most boring thing physical sports is when ESPN devotes hours to personal feuds in the locker room in hushed tones, with quotes from players sniping at each other and then putting up a PR hug to each other as a “reconciliation.”

Yep: still boring as hell when it’s esports.

Click damn you!

First time I get to use this in response.



Before folks start screaming at Microsoft, NDA’s are serious business and should always be read before agreeing to them. That said, folks are crazy if they think only Microsoft has this power, Sony more then likely has this too.

Ehh, no sympathy from me here, those dudes were asking for it when they started leaking stuff.

this is truly why we can’t have nice things the virus has been in the quarantine for me since day 1 though fade.exe is what it’s called

I could oddly go for an orange creamsicle right now though.

Now playing

There couldn’t be a more appropriate time to use this...

I had a conversation on Facebook about this very event. Let me paraphrase my responses here:

They are banned probably for the same reason winter tires are mandated in Quebec rather than just being highly recommended. If your tires/wheels/ride height/suspension are unsuited to the road then your car is unsuited to the road.