
What, no gif in one of your posts? What is this, the Twilight Zone?

If you watch the embedded video created by JackFrags, you will see he mentions that episode and that Battlefield Friends worked together with DICE for that video.

Ask Taki Inoue what he thinks of the Tatra Medical car at the Hungaroring

Why was the family following her on twitter?

How dare she tweet on some completely unrelated subject. What kind of country does she think this is?! All her posts/conversations should now begin, continue and end with "I ran over and subsequently killed an old lady while driving." Followed by a prompt self-immolation. Eye for an eye and what not...

This is a grim reminder of how technology makes it so easy for everyone to become a witch hunter. It was an accident and no charges were laid, the girl wasn't drunk, and yet, just because shes a regular instagraming teenager, we have to put her face on a public forum to endanger her own safety? This is crazy Gawker,

So, by all accounts she handled the actual accident itself appropriately, she stayed at the scene until help and authorities arrived, and she reportedly didn't appear intoxicated. But, the next day she momentarily thought of herself and tweeted to her followers — one would assume includes a good deal of actual friends

Honestly, I don't really see too much of an issue with this. Sure she should feel guilty about killing someone, but at the same time she probably just wanted to think of something else as the guilt was killing her (no pun intended). It was an accident, we can all jump on the bandwagon and say "what a horrible person

Jalopnik can be better than this.

Wait a minute... I thought this was a Jalop link... It seems to have taken me to a Gawker page... But wait, that cant be right, it's by Orlove. I'm confused, I mean, this isn't like the "2 drunk 2 care" twit other than female, cute, vehicle related accident. I guess I missed where this wasn't an intentionally

Ooops, someone got some Gawker in my Jalopnik.

Why are they following her on Twitter in the first place? Does she post really funny Vines or something?

So what I am supposed to stop living? I don't understand this at all why would they give a flying fuck?

Exactly my feelings. It would be one thing if she was tweeting "going to get this old lady shaped dent out of my car LOL!" but she's not, she's just being a normal person and talking about a completely unrelated subject that should in no way effects the family of the victims.

If I'm a 19 year old kid that just hit an old lady and put her into the hospital, I'm probably having a difficult time not thinking about that myself. Maybe her family was trying to help her think about something else for the day and she bought into it, because lord knows she's gonna be thinking about this a lot for

I don't know what they expect... an accident happened, this gal's life shouldn't necessarily stop. If it should, for how long?

if this was a hit and run, I would sympathize for the family being mad. but she actually stayed at the scene which says more than many we have read about who have had to endure someone they know getting hit by a car .

So she's supposed to stop living her life because an accident happened?

What's she supposed to be tweeting about? Not trying to be a wise guy, but at that time I'm sure the family would have been upset by anything she said, short of how sorry and how miserable she felt.