
Not my pics, but these were in my bedroom garage at various times back in the day. I just realized that Santa must’ve had a thing for yellow, black, & red.

Now playing

Something I didn’t realize until after 20+ years of driving is where I first learned the effects of decreased traction and how to control a spin. It wasn’t just from doing donuts in the closed, snow-covered Costco parking lot (though that helped). It was from playing with R/C cars. Not even fancy ones, but the Tyco

Now playing

Two Wheels Good? Two Wheels Good. OK, with that out of the way, these seem to be the unwritten rules of motorcycles in film:

They’re rubber, they’re just not textured.

an exquisitely engineered nod to the console’s hardcore gaming audience

Multitasking: ... to worry about, as well as a tachometer...

Whale tail

Here’s the condensed version, containing only the important stuff*:

Topless girls added to the louche atmosphere by dipping grapes into guests’ mouths...

Until I saw this on Reddit yesterday, I hadn’t watched a Jerma video in a looong time. Most of the ones I had watched previously were with “Grandpa”. What happened to him?

More than just “a couple of pumps” have a “no cell phone” warning sign. Whether or not they actually pose a danger, or what that danger may be, the fact is that most pumps have such a warning.

Okay, I’m a straight male, but this dude is pretty hot, right? Straight gals & gay guys, back me up?

Suzuki still exists.


This probably looks a little to similar for Global TV’s lawyers’ comfort.

Personally, I’m rooting for MAN F1. What better Volkswagen brand is there to run an F1 effort than the one that could sell tow rigs to all the other teams?

My old ‘80 K20 agrees.