
They’re available new in the U.S. It’s a relatively straightforward process to import a U.S.-market vehicle into Canada. No 15-year waiting period required.

It’s a pretty Jalop list. Iso Grifo, Mangusta, Esprit, Mk. 1 Golf, M1, Delta, DeLorean, 9000, SVX, 3200GT, etc., etc.

Any of these. But since that’s a bunch, and no-one has mentioned it, I’ll go with the unlikely choice. Hyundai Pony.

He looks perfect for Skjall from The Witcher 3.

On the corner of [REDACTED] is their office in the...

You deserve it just for that name. Wait - that avatar looks familiar. Were you “Bea Arthur’s Labia” yesterday?

The fact that the front tire is out in the wind is a dead giveaway.

Yikes. I am a heterosexual male, yet I find this woman less attractive than the guy on the left.

Thank you for that. A little context goes a long way.

Thanks. I was going to ask what Apple Music was.

Hence the quotations. I never intended to state that it was an actual drone. The media, and popular opinion, seems to label any misunderstood aircraft as a “drone”.

I can’t argue with that.

I do understand why people are concerned, and agree that it can be difficult to impossible to see if a “drone” has a camera.

I agree with you (as does the State of California) regarding trespass. I also agree that it can be difficult or even impossible to ascertain the presence of a camera on a “drone”.

#37: True. The moment one stops watching the pot, it is no longer a “watched pot”. It may boil, but it’d be an unwatched pot.

I have an honest question, then. In your opinion, what is the practical difference between a modern small “drone” like this, and any other radio-controlled aircraft? For that matter, apart from their noise, speed & maneuverability, how are they any different that a kite?

The quote itself is ridiculous, given that there was no “camera-wielding drone” in the article.

LOL at this entire discussion about cameras and video quality. The particular copter in this case didn’t even have a camera mounted on it at the time.