
Wow, I totally forgot they resurrected the "Wide Track" jargon in the '90s. It's much older than that...

Western Canada. I guess the RCMP doesn't allow that kind of B.S.

We've all seen it before, countless times. A police officer briefly turns on their emergency lights, runs through an intersection, and then turns them off immediately after going through.

...Canadian game store Video Games Plus...

That's awesome, thanks! I forgot that the PS4 even had themes now.

With most games, even if you're using a DualShock, you still have read Xbox button prompts on screen. That means that B is Circle, Y is Triangle, and most confusingly, X is... Square and A is… X. The X is even blue for both controllers.

I'd like to think that "to protect and to serve" was an intentional nod to the continuity error, but it is the actual quote found on real LAPD cars.

Holy crap. It is the same car. Unit #1874

This is a '77 or '78 Dodge Monaco. If this is 1984, would the LAPD have had six- or seven-year-old cars still in the fleet? And why would it have 1982+ optional plates? What the hell year is this supposed to be?

You are correct, sir.

Hells Angels have been doing toy drives like this for decades all over the world.

I don't know how rare the RS version is, but I imagine the one-or-two-year Canada-only Asüna Sunfire isn't too common either.

Ever heard of the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon?

I don't get it. Vanilla Unicorn is, like, only two blocks away from the hospital in Davis. Why not walk?

Mmm, the single-bulb lamps always seemed off to me. The '87-'88 Cutlass, '86-'89 Monte Carlo LS and even the '87-'90 Celebrity did it better, IMO.

LOLWUT? The Panthers got composite headlights as part of an entirely new body in '92. I'd say that's a well-integrated styling feature.

I've always been partial to the '87-'90. Boxy styling with modern-ish composite headlights was a late-80s GM trait that I always liked for some reason.