As the title suggests, the upcoming stupid-ass movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will feature Batman and…
As the title suggests, the upcoming stupid-ass movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will feature Batman and…
Last Friday, the people who are making No Man’s Sky told me they’d been late to a meeting with Steven Spielberg. The…
I’m pretty sure if Jesus was there, he’d be all like “where the fuck did all these Pharisees come from?”
It's unclear why Aura Tactics—which promised to be a tactical RPG with asynchronous multiplayer—disappeared with over $11,000, but their last Kickstarter update was in January of 2013. In November 2013, creator Douglas Miller wrote a comment saying that members of the team had been laid off and were looking for new…
Everyone deals with death in different ways. For one man, the best way to navigate a son's death was to try to dive…
I trust them a hell of a lot more than someone that types M$
But they don't keep me playing. That's my point. I'm not arguing that there are people who get sucked in and end up losing their mortgage money, because there are stories of those people out there, certainly. But reasonable people who understand slots - or any casino game, because they're all stacked against the…
Check out the link for more on why it's rarely worth playing a slot machine. The next time you see one, just walk past it.
Working at Gawker Media is a dream job for many of the women on staff here at Jezebel. This is a place that takes…
She wrote that for-profit companies, unlike nonprofits, don't exist to further an agenda beyond money making and therefore cannot be said to have religious beliefs
The five men also agreed that their ruling should only applies to corporations (people) with "sincerely held" religious beliefs.
And here lies the greatest irony... all these pro-life morons who loathe abortion will be celebrating this ruling. Except that this ruling will, in all likelihood, lead to more abortions.
Does your employer provide health care? Then you're entitled to legal medications to maintain your health. End of motherfucking story.
You know why I've been on the pill since high school? To keep my dysmenorrhea in check so I can get out of fucking bed when I'm on the rag.
Earlier today, five men agreed that closely held corporations with anti-birth control religious beliefs cannot be…
The legal question was whether or not corporate persons have religious beliefs. The ruling said yes, but only in the case of birth control. The ruling was narrower than it could have been. Because of its scope, it is inherently sexist.
No one is saying you have to use birth control. The bible talks about YOUR OWN religious beliefs. I don't know why evangelicals insist on imposing their bullshit on everyone else.
That's not the point. The SC has just established that corporations have legally-protected religious beliefs.
If I take your user name correctly, you will know what I really mean when I say this: Oh, bless your heart.
Aspiring science-fiction authors receive one piece of advice above all others: Forsake the adverb, the killer of…