
I think the most frustrating, fascinating thing is when she said “He’s done incredible things with that character”....the character that he was playing for 2 minutes in the movie? And his scene was basically a sneer? And, the second one hasn’t started filming yet (and definitely hadn’t back in November), so she can’t

I’m not sure knowing the book puts you on notice for seizure-inducing strobe lights during the play.

What the hell? Crimes aren’t like a “first one’s free” deal. A statement from one (or ten) ex-girlfriends is totally worthless. If this was his first crime, it’s still a crime.

I love that last paragraph and ALL the shade was perfect. The cliches continued. He’s not with Talulah Riley now-despite her becoming blonder for him and god knows how many blondes he’s been with since. She has him totally pegged.

That was a fascinating article. Thanks for sharing. I never knew he had FIVE kids, and somehow missed all the messy divorce drama. I hope she got her fair share.

she’s trying to destroy Depp’s career..

The casting choice makes me dislike JKR. She seems like she’s supportive of women, but doesn’t question that casting? I love HP, but won’t waste any more of my money on it.

Domestic abuse isn’t a “secret” but a crime.

I hope they recast the part. They recast Dumbledore because they had to, they can recast this role too.

Farrell’s character turns into Depp’s, no? So why couldn’t Farrell just have continued?

Why oh why did you cast him in a critical role JK Rowling, a role that will last over a decade...

Sure... Can’t get get in trouble for sharing a sibling site, right?

Yeah, you’re the only sensible one in a sea of wholly unreasonable people. It certainly has nothing to do with seeing a movie about a dog do well in China and immediately jumping to the East Asian stereotype about eating dogs.

The article is about a movie about a dog and you bring up Chinese people fucking eating dogs? Sure, that’s logical and normal. Fuck off.

No one was talking about food or eating and your Pavlovian response to China and Movie about dogs was to bring up Chinese people eating dogs. Draw your own fucking conclusions.

I am an official Crazy Dog Lady, and I know that my dog is not a person. I don’t want anyone to eat him or eat any dogs, but I’m also not so small-minded to think that all Chinese people eat dogs, or that in such a highly populous, diverse country, they can’t understand the difference between dogs for consumption and

*shrug* And people keep pigs as pets in the US. It doesn’t seem to put much of a dent in bacon or ham sales. I have two dogs and three cats. You’d be eating/killing them over my dead body. Because that’s how pets work. If I had a pet pig - that would be off the menu too for me. But that doesn’t mean bacon wouldn’t be

Did Trump bring more racists to Jezebel or is just a bonus.

Strangely lots of people have pet pigs and pet lambs in America...yet we still consume bacon, hot dogs, lamb chops and rack of lamb......

It’s less ethics in animal consumption and more couching racism, hidden bigotry.