
Not only did she win back-to-back-to-back Hugos, an absolutely unprecedented feat in the history of the award, she did it in the middle of a racist ballot-stuffing campaign orchestrated by a man with a personal vendetta against her (because he was kicked out of the Science Fiction Writers of America for using the

Just so. The first book was an narrative/editing masterpiece. I figured out what was happening about 30% in but it was still amazing to see it executed so flawlessly. When I read the comments after I finished, some critics were annoyed by the presence of so many concepts that didn’t allow for “escapism”: generational

Broken Earth series was outstanding! 

I bought this book for my sister and not have a chance to read it as yet, however I have her entire Broken Earth Series for which my girl has won 3 Hugos back to back. If you are a fan of fiction, sci-fi, fantasy or just excellent story telling in general, this author is essential reading.

Sadly, the guest turned an opportunity to have a substantive, informative discussion into an obviously calculated personal insult campaign. We were disappointed in the segment and respect our audience’s time too much to consider airing it.

Really happy this collection is getting more attention! N.K. Jemisin is a fantastic author, and I can’t recommend this book enough. I wrote a legal article last spring about how centered in white philosophy our visions of the future are, and how our willingness to engage in social programs that significantly critique

I devoured all three volumes of “The Broken Earth” trilogy. The hype around those books barely does them justice. I’ve got “Black Future Month” on hold at my local library and I’m eager for it to be available.

Imagine fucking Kevin Durant and Jack Dorsey sitting around like a bunch of fucking assholes, pretending they have anything in common, other than wealth and a bottomless desire to be “cool.”

Lots to unpack in that statement. Holy shit.

Most men perceive the topic of cunnilingus with extreme embarrassment and will definitely never publicly admit that they do it and, moreover, they like it.

Little did I know, I've been empowering women for decades.

Ashford was changed pretty dramatically for the show, so I imagine Murtry might be reworked as well.

The thing is, the real climax of the book, emotionally and action-wise, is centered around the father breaking into a cemetery to dig up his son. The actual zombie murder violence is very much a part of the denouement. It’s very much an internal story, which doesn’t translate well to film when people would be eager to

It’s hard to tell from the trailer, but the “magic” burial ground was in a very difficult to get to place (seemingly inhabited by a very big monster-thing) beyond the “Pet Sematary”, so it’s not something that was done a lot.

In the book Jud Crandall explains the history of the Pet Sematary. It was abandoned by the Micmaws because it was cursed. It was used only occasionally after that by people with Indian heritage. When Judd was a kid they revived his dog but it was never right, they also revived a cow but they had to put it down because

In the book, there’s the pet sematary and then there’s “the real cemetery”, further back in the forest, where things are actually resurrected. It’s assumed most kids buried their pets in the fakesematary”.

Won? You mean handed the game on a silver platter by crooked Roger and his dazzle of zebras?

Barber: What do you want?

What a mistake. Just like Russell Wilson and Drew Brees, Murray is just too short to play QB in the NFL.