

While I’m in the minority, I’d much rather have a “Hyundai Ridgeline” over a full size Silverado or Ram. 

The Ridgeline is the truck that 90% of truck buyers actually need - at least around here. I live in the heart of Alberta truck country. Daily, I drive alongside Silverados, F-150s, Rams, F-350s, Denalis... many if not most of them are spotless. They’re driving kids to school. They’re towing boats to the lake on

Yeah - four days for most stuff seems overly conservative. I’ve definitely had stuff that had been stored for a week. That being said, it’s all about the sniff test. If it smells “off”, out it goes.

I have eaten leftovers up to around 10 days old (possibly more when I go to my parents), pizza that has sat out overnight without refrigeration, all without any serious harm, complications, or disastrous outcomes. I am curious as to why you throw things out after 4 days? I have never heard of this practice.

Tomato, you’ve been told to go away, once already.

Go away, Tomato. 

You started losing me at thongs, then totally lost me with not resting your steaks.

Sustained success over a long period of time + a bunch of try-hard, floor-slapping white kids + one of the most self-important, fart-sniffing coaches + obvious media and ref bias = easy to hate.

If my child stopped playing video games and started going to church, I would be very concerned.

I’m really sad to see both LeBlanc and Reid go. Matt obviously made a career decision and that’s not up for discussion or debate... but to remove Rory and stick him solely on the B-show is a travesty. He and Harris had great chemistry...

Rory was the best part of the new lineup, dammit. 

I agree. I really enjoyed the last season and felt like the trio finally hit their stride. And now another shake up?

getting rid of Rory is a mistake. Harris is great but they should also have kept Reid on the show. 

So, were they trying to look like extras from Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels in all these publicity photos, or is it just a coincidence that I’m expecting Vinnie Jones to show up and shoot them all any second now?

I’m really bummed about the Rory Reid situation. He brought such a youthful energy to the show, and he really seemed to get on well with Harris and the now-departed LeBlanc. Last season was tremendous, as it seemed that everything was coming together for them in terms of personality.

100% agree. While Harris was the obvious success (I genuinely love his personality and presenting style), Reid was a damn close second. I loved his voice on the show and the way he would try to expand the show beyond the normal supercar scene.  

Extras from a Guy Ritchie movie? 

BBC just needs to give up at this point

Huge bummer they lost Rory Reid, I hope he left on his own accord, because if they shuffled him out, it’s a huge mistake. I was bummed at the loss of LeBlanc, but with both Reid and LeBlanc gone, I am not entirely sure I’ll give it a go.