
There’s a really awful, gut-churning few pages in this book regarding a kidnapped kid’s mom under the influence of sevoflurane gas which I hope doesn’t get put on screen. In fact, if they didn’t show anything that Bing did with his captives, that would be humane.

This is the new Stranger Things. This is such a good book and I would watch three seasons of this show.

85 comments at the time of posting this, and NONE of them are talking about Shroud, but rather their own nostalgia for other games. Which is pretty much the perfect example of how badly this game has pancaked, despite being developed for 5 years, and persistent (no server wipes) since July 2016.

They’re ways for universities, many of whom are in mid-sized cities without professional sports, to make money and, I don’t want to make you faint or anything, but Universities often engage in commercial enterprises.

Because it’s so lucrative and alums are suckers for things that make them feel good about their school? I think it’s fine as long as people are honest and treat it as marketing for the school. I don’t see people getting worked up when UPenn runs medical clinics in South Jersey.

Speaking as an actual Hindu, I thought the inclusion of Hanuman was rad. I also thought I was cool that the Jabari were vegetarians, since Hanuman is vegetarian.

it’s also certified by Stephen King himself - I’ve read that he wishes he thought of that ending!

Tom Jane was the practical, reasonable guy surrounded by a bunch of crazy people going on blind faith. He got kicked out, and when confronted with a no-win scenario, he did the practical thing. Had he had a little faith, everyone would have lived.

It’s an emotional kneecapping and it’s one of the better twists in genre

Nope. You have The Mist in the wrong list - that ending is brutal, haunting and utterly chilling, and the film is all the better for it.

This is the most unimportant comment I’ve ever written (maybe), but I forgave Chipotle almost immediately. Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.

Hot Take Incoming:


You say “van with a bed” like its a bad thing.

Measuring your opinion against the majorities is a pointless waste of time.

This comment is 100% proof of the need for a downvote system on Kinja.

The fact that it goes on for 17 years should be enough of a clue to tell you where the benefit lies.....to the US.

Yeah, I’ll give you that for sure. Mainly because Ares was miscast like no other.

A good movie with a terrible ending.

You can make an argument that Patty Jenkins wasn’t one of the top five directors last year and that omitting her in the category wasn’t a snub.

As good as WW was, it wasn’t that good that Jenkins deserved a nomination for it. It was a really good action/superhero movie, but that’s about as far as that goes.