
Also, I forgot to mention, but the in-game non-skippable cutscenes and flavor crap is non-existent in NBA Live. As soon as a career game loads I hit A and it jumps straight to tip-off.

God....I love NBA 2k...but I just can’t with this shit. I actually bought NBA Live 18 (I Know! wtf was I thinking?) because it was only 40 bucks if you pre-ordered and I enjoyed the demo.

Joke’s on you, CCleaner! It bugs me about a new version practically every time I launch the damn thing, so I stopped updating it regularly several years ago.

Do NOT make grown-up mike a junkie wreck. For crying out loud, can we have the one black character be a source of strength for the returning Losers? Make him the quiet, smart, sad intellectual that he is in the book.

“After Lillis’ tough, brave performance as Beverly, battling both Pennywise and her abusive father, it’s hard to believe that she would end up in a relationship with a cruel jerk”

I like the idea of him becoming obsessed with finding out more about IT and how to defeat it. That just makes sense for someone who’s been through what he has. But do they really have to make the one black character take drugs in order to find those things out? Or refer to him as “a junkie?”

Lol. You’re the reason this country is shit. You can’t even be level headed about something when someone literally says that the guy with the gun (who didn’t harm anyone at all) needs to be charged with his crime but so does this other guy who also did something.

I swear to god if another dumbfuck says “flamethrower.”

Fuck your Nazi sympathy. You are part of the reason these shitstains feel they can bring an armed and violent mob into cities and create chaos, fear, and death. Fuck you forever.

It’s not a fucking “flamethrower,” you Nazi-sympathizing cumstain, and he was defending himself and the elderly man behind him after the gunshot and during an attack with a flagpole.

That makes zero sense. Of course they will.

Fantasists who release their novels every year, do not offer books of large volume.

We remember... but that doesn’t matter. Ride with Jon to the wall. Drop him off. Back to Benji Bizness.

...now it’s down to Pensacola and Shreveport.

must determine whether or not the tweet made a football like move

There’s the whole thing with climate change and how that impacts minority communities. Gutting the EPA so Trump can finally get Wall Street to like him again is dangerous.

I don’t think POC- especially WOC- were under the impression that Clinton would have actually saved us. That’s a white liberal’s fever dream. But damn, she would not have done these heinous things (on a nearly daily basis) that Trump and the people he put in place do.

Yes! This is why my leftist ass cannot fully jump on the “Trump could inspire change” bandwagon you see in some circles. Also, thank you for your work, Hachi.

Hi Crystal,