ronan pellen

You guessed it...

African names amirite...

*Two if you count Austin Powers’ Dr. Evil!

And what’s even more tedious than tired think pieces? You guessed it… … uh, can’t even be bothered

And no one wants to comment either, coincidence?

Joe-nocide was right there >:p

The Toy was remade in France just last year... also terrible!

It ok, I’ll be there for you.


I’ll be there for youuuu...

Well no one told them life could end this way...

Well no one told them life would end this way...

Glad that you mentioned it cuz i would never notice mr ‘da poo’

did he hurt your feefee

Then what would be the point?

And they don’t need him either... except as a cautionary tale!

More like Jimmy Not Fucking Funny-on

Combined or individually?