
Leave Ian and Mickey the fuck alone. They've been through enough without the pointless breakup.


Wouldn't one of Don's three women be Peggy?

How did they manage to make the disclosure of basically all the drama this series has ever had (Alicia's 5 years of emails) to the press so goddamn boring? I fully understand and accept that a show very rarely sustains the emotional force and elegantly headlong plotting of this one's past seasons, but it actually

I can't deny the sad sweetness of Ruth and George's reunion but Ruth, honey- there is such a thing as Too Many Red Flags.

It was definitely a mistake. I just don't think it was an inexcusable one.

I think that, in entertainment journalism, deadlines are a bitch and mulligans are not an option. So the tacked-on correction is likely the best he could do; nevertheless, he's a damn good writer so I forgive him. How could I not, he goes by Joshie-pooh!

He posted a correction.

Jesus, Ian and Monica killed me this episode. The loneliness and the quiet desperation was just radiating from them.

She doesn't know Frank is involved but she definitely knows Ian has nothing to do with it. And so a hearty Fuck You to her.

I actually think it's right in line with Patrick's desperate naivete.

Perhaps I've just been unlucky but in my experience, monogamy is no guarantee of stability. I'm not advocating one approach over another, just noting that chaos is possible either way.

He's also mentally ill.

What's really fucked up is her beef should have been with Carl and Frank alone. All the other Gallaghers did was rally behind Carl after the fact; there was no collusion between them in setting up Chuckie. For her to throw a recently medicated bipolar kid to the wolves in retaliation is so off-the-charts hideous and

It wasn't wanting monogamy that made Patrick silly here. It was assuming that Kevin- despite all evidence to the contrary- was on the same page. Also, waiting until he moved in to even consider the question was epically dumb as well.

I want to say this was the most gripping and excruciatingly moving throwdown I've seen on television since Nate and Brenda's in Season 2 of Six Feet Under. What distinguishes watching this fight from that one was that this time I spent much of the running time trying not to scream "YOU DUMBASSES" at the top of my

I don't hate the Patrick/Kevin storyline, but I do find it hard to invest in- I see the desperation in it now as well as the train wreck to come. As for Dom/Doris, I thought they were planting the seeds for this breakup for awhile- both Malik and Dom commented derisively on them being 40 and still living like

What I'm saying is I think they're both stunted enough to have made that absurd argument credible. It follows a certain logic that they would squabble like kids, even in adulthood.

I actually really didn't see the strings on Dom and Doris. Doris didn't soften the news about her money because 1) you often don't do that with people you've been intimate with for years and 2) bitch, it was really her bad news. Dom's rush to get started is easily explained by his two season long frustrated effort

Patrick: Sit down, take a breath, calm the fuck down and take a moment to think critically. Being a puppy is no longer a viable option.
Agustin: They have so thoroughly humanized The Artist Formerly Known As Despicable this season I actually may relate to him more than anyone.
Dom/Doris: I smell trouble a-brewin'.