
In a perfect world, people would stop being chickenshit and back up all their downvotes with retorts that had to bear the same public scrutiny as the comment they anonymously disagreed with.

Pretty sure you just said dick cream.

Next up in sociopolitical cluelessness on Coven : LaLaurie's head becomes a civil rights advocate and an activist for the post-Katrina 9th Ward.

Wouldn't Misty have to repair Queenie's shot to the gut rather than the head wound? I thought her self-inflicted injuries healed themselves.

At the very first episode (and much longer after that, I'll admit) I still held on to the hope that Season 2 had kindled within me. Asylum had aliens, Nazis, evil nuns, closeted lesbians, serial killers and, well, asylums, an almost literal clusterfuck of ideas (some of which involved historical atrocities and other

All of this material is too loaded- racially and historically- for Murphy's brand of throw-everything-at-the-wall action painting formalism. And thus everything has already been so badly mishandled that the solemn massacre juxtaposed with LaLaurie's tearful revelation that black people are people and the keening

As soon as LaLaurie's head began to cry to the strains of an old Negro spiritual as Hank began to mow down everyone in Cornrow City, my black mind junked this entire season in the trash, and my black ass left the room. Not since The Color Purple has there been such offensively callow schlock applied to what should

The main problem as I see it is that Hostages is not only structureless but also directionless and senseless. You can have one or two, but not all three. All three is deadly. As you can tell from Sonia's defeated, weary shrug of a D here, all three leads to "Well, who gives a fuck? Let's drink."

I've come to realize that the writing staff's truly substantial fuck up of the season for me (not counting the near-pointless amount of time spent on Dana) has been how they've articulated Carrie. I know they consider her craziness a "superpower" in her work if not her personal life, and in many ways they've betrayed

I thought this and the last episode were not only the best of the season but, perversely enough, made the case for Brody's continued survival- simply because the show becomes furiously alive whenever Brody is front and center and in mortal danger. The plotting has been remarkably tense and twisty without getting

I'm not on the hate train now, but last season she was an abrasive, chilly, passive-aggressive nightmare of no discernible use to the team. She's warmed up considerably since then (still not sure what she does except screw and screw over David Rosen for investigative purposes, but…).

Oprah interviewed Kerry Washington and Shonda Rhimes a few weeks back. Oprah met the rest of the cast, and the very first thing Darby Stanchfield asked her was "Do you hate me like everyone else does?"

Seriously. Talk about fucking up a childhood memory.

And how.

I no longer care what EW says. They think Coven is campy genius and thought Asylum was a piece of shit. They are just forever wrong about all things.

So bad it was great syndrome for me. One could dislike how the plot unfolded but I was never bored. Quinn/Huck's naked dental torture? Cyrus/James marital blow up? Sally going Norman Bates on her gay husband? Insanity.

Loved it. I came down with some kind of 24-hour flu and stayed in bed all day, drifting in and out of febrile consciousness. This entire episode was so batshit/ridiculous that when I woke up after my fever broke, I watched it again on DVR because I was convinced I had semi-hallucinated it. I was wrong. That is

Your point being what?

The people interested in a Morrissey autobiography would be scandalized by the lack of an implied homosexual relationship.

Just did a Google Images look up: that ass is Reddickulous.