
If someone has a crippling fear of flying, and on the first flight he ever takes the plane crashes and he is miraculously unharmed- that is irony. The expected outcome is that he would be fine and the flight would go smoothly (statistically, that would be expected). That his plane crashed, but he emerged alive and

A homeless man tries to get arrested to get off the streets during a particularly cold day. He stands in front of convenience store after convenience store, asking the customers for change, hoping to be brought in for trespassing or unlawful solicitation. Every time he is chased off, but none of the owners will call

Sad but true.

Pink Flamingos style. Disturbing.

Just because I enjoy the slow rhythms and immersive quality of Treme doesn't make me or anyone who likes it a pretentious blowhard. I think it sucks that the DVD set is so much more expensive than other shows, but I have HBO GO so it's a non-issue. It's fine if you don't like it, but there's no need to be a dick to

I believe he was talking about OOOOnyx, not Gaga.

It's just too much edge for my delicate sensibilities.

Thank you.

R.I.P. Treme. A great show gone too soon.



Perhaps I'm being overly cynical, but I don't think they'd let something like the Bhopal disaster happen on American soil. At least, not post-Katrina.

That would be sad. It would mean the conscientious would have to avoid delicious hot sauce.

Happy Thanksgiving, kid! I hope you enjoy Velvet Goldmine and the Morroccan spiced lamb.

Nobody gets that much time from me now. That was it.

Even when I told my friends to shut the fuck up, I was being helpful. For instance, my work pal cheated on his girlfriend with her step-sister. After three months(!) of whining about how unfair it was that she wouldn't speak to him (!), I finally snapped and said self-created problems require silent reflection and

Had a life.

So I'm told. I don't like talking about myself much (I will if asked) but I do like being the guy people come to for advice or just to decompress. Of course, the flip side is I occassionly want to tell my more dramatic friends to shut the fuck up- and I have (only when they really deserved it)- but I like helping my

Neither. I am the good listener who the self-involved are always shocked to find actually has a life.
