
+1 for "Stabby McMurder"

I wasn't saying that you were saying Christian=asshole. I was just articulating my reasons for not assuming Christianity itself was the whole problem.

The strategy of the writers during Season 1 and 2 seemed to be to fuck with audience expectation in a really exciting way- what you assumed would close out the season happened 6 episodes in, leading the viewer at a complete loss as to what would happen next. Toward the back half of Season 2, that approach got away

So's being a woman.

Hey, what she is is what she is and what you are oh-

Well, my mother's a Christian and her take on it is "What part of God's unconditional love do you not understand?" She considers those who participate in judgment, hatred and bigotry to be, in effect, anti-Christian. When I point out that Christians who think like her are few and far between (or so it seems), she

You also get that I was calling out a racist moment not branding Saul a racist for all time, right? In fact, that's why I found the statement and profound contempt behind it so jarring.

Agreed on finding the Brody criticism in this episode inexplicable- was he even in it? Boardwalk Empire this year has been far more eventful than it usually is, and certainly more eventful than this show has been. Still, I found this the strongest episode of the season thus far. I suppose the most pressing matter

As a gay man, I still feel compelled to differentiate between those who are Christian and those who are bigoted assholes who happen to be Christian. As a black man, I still feel compelled to differentiate between cops who do their very necessary jobs and abusive racist fascists who happen to be cops. Do I slip at

An ugly but human moment could describe a murder. Understanding its ugly humanity doesn't make it any less of a homicide.

Both still beat 'ill-timed pregnancy in an impossible situation'.

He's basically right, he's just an insufferable prick about it. But it can't be said that the CIA hasn't done quite a bit of fucking up lately.

And it was glorious.

Fair enough. But do you think one is better than the other?

Again, I don't think Saul is a racist. I think he said something racist and that his rage was entirely misplaced (which is what racism is most of the time). It was out of character and ill-conceived. But it doesn't make him a racist forever.

Darmondy went behind Nucky's back in the bootlegging trade and then attempted to have him killed. His death was completely logical, whether Pitt's departure was the result of drunken douchery or not.

Thank you. It was the intensity of contempt in the delivery, not to mention that no "advice" was in the statement, just a threat ("you better be the best analyst the CIA has ever seen" or something like that…).

Reading comprehension alert: I wrote "temporary racist monster" not "They've turned Saul into Jerry Falwell." Good day, sir.

But the writers had characterized him Saul 'above the fray'- actually, they have characterized the work of the CIA as necessarily 'above the fray'- and Saul's anger at this point is certainly of a personal nature (as in he knew Javadi). It seemed an utter failure of character for Saul to succumb to bigotry-

You're kidding me, right?