
Yeah. I hear Hillary supporters talk about the Iraq war all the time. It’s not like they never want to hear anything bad about their candidate, in favor of hearing about how bad Trump is. That’s for setting me straight.

Yeah, let’s focus on the time Trump may have wanted to have his staffers pose for Playboy, and not the time Hillary Clinton voted in favor of a major war crime because it was politically expedient. Priorities!

I would recommend Clinton and her fans accept her faults and stop blaming all criticism on conspiracies. Did you read the DNC emails? It’s pretty fucking hard to say the media was biased against Clinton in the primaries. The DNC conspired to have Clinton win, and yet, Clinton is still the victim of media bias.

“It’s okay because everyone else does it”

Good thing I didn’t claim that. You seem really excited but I suggest you slow down and read what I wrote, and not what you imagined I wrote. The point is that no one but solid Republicans watch Fox News, so it’s irrelevant to the Democratic candidate.

Ha ha ha. She is a serial liar but that doesn’t matter because, according to you, a proud democrat, those lies aren’t significant? Okay. I’d love to see Clinton campaign with that. You’re wrong by the way, her endless lies are both significant, and give us a glimpse into her character.

This took me two seconds to find.

I assume the chart is skewed a little by Fox News and other conservative outlets. Moreover, Hillary Clinton is not very well liked and has a somewhat sordid past, so I’m not sure more negative coverage necessarily means there is a bias.

Nope. That’s all I’ve got. That’s the only time Hillary Clinton has ever lied, and since you have corrected me, I now know she is 100% trustworthy. Thank you for your objective comment, Proud Democrat.

Are you claiming the media is biased against Clinton?

“I landed under sniper fire” - Hillary Clinton

“I remember landing under sniper fire.” - Hillary Clinton

ha ha. Sorry.

Haha. You do sarcasm well.

I’m sure Hillary Clinton will treat rich white women very well. Rich white men too. Pretty much anyone with money, really.

Dumb comment.