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This is one of my favorite TV moments ever.

I love this, but I'm dying. Leslie Knope is my spirit animal and I know it has to end but I don't want it to. I'm going to live in the reruns forever.

My sister had a very close guy friend who she had previously dated years and years before. When he got engaged, he asked her to be in the wedding and she very excitedly accepted. It was only AFTER she bought the bridesmaid's dress that his fiancee told her she didn't want her in the bridal party after all. My sister

Srsly, it was less uncomfortable than a Pap smear and over in a second! You'll be like, "that was it?!" and then you'll want to go around, telling the world how easy it was and how awesome you are. :)

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Making movies Making Songs and FIGHTIN ROUND THE WORLD

Well. I don't think he's really publicly seperated the two. His out of character appearances are pretty few and far between. But that's what was so genius- I'm guessing that there are BUNCHES of people who like The Colbert Report because they don't see through it. And that's HILARIOUS.

Why not do a Sam Bee/Jason Jones co-host show as a parody of Fox News morning shows?

That would be great. Or, there's always Netflix, depending on who owns the concept and how many rights were signed away to CBS when CBS ponied up to make the pilot.

Even though the series didn't move forward, Garcia lobbied CBS execs to at least let folks see their finished product online.