Kyo Soma A.
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This is tough. Since spring is really just people waiting for summer. Music wise, there are two that come to mind. First one is

This can’t be true? Can it? Can you find this article.

I won’t disagree with you on that. However, in some context with that particular quote there were some people within the Jewish community took offense with that lyric since it harks back to money and Jewish relations. And they didn’t want to unpack that lyric on further dissection. So people who didn’t read the real

As I say “not responding” lol. You are not wrong, at all. I am just really over this whole topic, why are we still discussing this tweet?! This is just silly. I am happy we are bringing a real dialogue about US / Israel policy but this is redic that people are still asking for apologies and sending death threats.  

I am probably going to be considered awful on this topic but why are still on this? I moved on like months ago. I feel there are more pressing matters to deal with. All of this looks like the GOP is trying to act as it cares about the Jewish / Israel community. I just don’t buy it. Omar apologized with more sincerity

Thank you. I appreciate that.

Government handouts for what exactly? That kid is a fucking idiot.

That was damn good. Damn good. 

I’m going to have to disagree with you on Black Panther. Considering it’s a film that discussed many issues within a community that really no one honestly gives a fuck about within fantasy approach. And casting a complex and deeply identifiable villain off set with T’Challa’s upbringing was one of the few times a big

“fight scene set to No Doubt’s “Just A Girl”

True. There is a shot in Vice though that was actually good. Just one shot though.

“stoner adaptation of a noir mystery.”

Agreed. That film was...ugh. I tried watching it again just to see if I was missing something as to what people who liked the film were saying. I just couldn’t see it. What I did see was privilege at it’s best, but it wasn’t done in a way that I found fascinating just kind of boring.

Totally agree. But that is what constructive criticism is. I don’t think many people do that anymore. It’s more sarcasm laden comedy attached with mean spiritedness masking as constructive criticism. There are some good critics still out there, but they are few and far between. In a way the world became more Morf

I have to use Brooks (Brookes) shoes, if I work out. However, I don’t really understand the fascination with the sneaker thing. I am more of a Dr.Martin / army boot person

Thank you for adding!  I thought that was in the clip.

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Um, not well. There are moments of solace and happiness but over all it’s terror dome shit show. I don’t speak for all. I am just speaking for myself. I sometimes watch this scene to cheer me up.

Saw one this morning wearing them. But it was just one, don’t know if they all wear them. I thought it was new balance? 

“I would have to draw the line at being made a fool of on such a national scale.”

It’s very easy for Lynn to stand there and take it. Because she is getting paid. Same with Cohen, most if not all of the entire GOP. If we look at their payroll statement, we could probably get a glimpse of why they will eat shit day after day and like it. I am sure that she is getting something decent (at least she