Kyo Soma A.

I really don’t understand why people cannot wrap their heads around that. Instead of constantly trying to change the narrative all the goddamm time. I keep thinking about Central Park 5 and the outcry for that victim and the low hum for Nia. People actually making excuses for that murdering pos. It just depressing

Jack in the box tacos is a thing!? I thought it was only burgers? Mind you I am east cost born and raised. I have really got to go to this magical place.

Jesus wept, she is just ridiculously beautiful. 

He’s just an empty vessel with no original thought in his head. I could imagine a better career choice for him. He’s shooting for celebrity not actor. I find that there is a difference between the two. His response is infantile and completely self removed. Women are not milk, and using the ridiculous analogy is just

that is pretty much 100% all true.

True! U got me there! Go get em Queen!

I don’t think they are stating the sexuality of the person they are wondering what the fuck is that in the sense of the rap hip hop community cause he’s a piece of trash who rapes children and has a platform

I wasn’t even thinking oh he’s a rap artist. I just thought what the fuck is that?!

Regardsless of whatever you say, these idiots will not listen. One of them called the man a child, that already shows their innate prejudice. Calling a black man a child or boy is a red flag. Using MLK or X as a fallback is a red flag. They will not listen to you or sadly the man who was actually effected by this

Whaaaaa OH fuck this guy. Why are we giving him a platform????

He did name them as the best out there. I am totally not aggreing with what he is saying. There is also the problem is that most black actors are not given a lot to ride with via financial to hone their training. I mean if there was a Steppenwolf like acting program for black people it would probably be incredible.

Honestly I have never heard so many excused regarding the Nina Simone movie, with the exception from the director and her bullshit response. At the end of the day they pissed on Nina’s grave. They literally did that with that bullshit idea / concept of a Nina Simone film. Also it’s funny that he points out that Ava

Please tell me you listened to the How Did this Get Made eps when they discuss teen witch. It’s fantastic.

OMG Teen Witch!!! Best weird pre-teen coming of age late 80's movie ever!

YES!!!! Thank you!

I really like Blowfly. It’s different and he’s working with interesting elements of music. I can get behind an artist that creates an fascinating persona. I wish that he received more airtime and notice, but that’s mainstream for you. They like far out there but not too far out.

I’ve been checking polls in PA on this site they are pretty accurate. Missouri and PA dems are in the lead. It’s a small point lead but, hopefully this will stretch and Dems can win both. Trump and everyone within the GOP office needs to go or at the very least stall everything Trump has planned. https://realclearpolit

My aunt (who is amazing) called Bruno -American Bandstand (or the Pat Boone of funk) he would love to be on Soul Train. He will never be invited to the party, and so he’s making it work for him. It’s watered down funk music for white people. I know he respects it and likes it and that’s all well and good. I just don’t

I don’t want kids. It’s not in my cypher. That’s my own choice, I have never had overflowing want to have kids. And also it’s because of financial reasons as well as environmental.

Oh! Ok got it.