Kyo Soma A.

I will say that my distrust for people and mostly white women deepened more. I have always had this little message in the back of my mind “They fucked you over for the 19th, healthcare rights, even women’s baseball leagues. They would do it again in a heartbeat. And they did.” I have built a bigger wall and only let a

LOL. I was just gonna write that. They never did.

Aw thanks!!! Yes! Preach it Teach it. No Sinclair in my house!!!

That is breaking news shout it from the rooftops so we can send support on down!

So basically she is the president I wanted and never got.

Now playing

I use Monorail for this “president” if no one knows the reference

I’m...ugh I don’t know about Donna? I agree the truth must be told absolutely. The timing is what I found odd. Regardless, Dems won which is great biotch slap in the face to Trump, that doesn’t mean we have won the war. We need to build a tougher war chest in every regard. We need to create more fact base news outlets

I’m not plugged in but I know that in NYC they voted no for constitutional convention. I have been checking all these sites

I have to know what purpose at they trying to prove when doing this?

Damn beat me too it.

As someone who is originally from there. I wish him the best of luck. But I know Boston...that’s why I left. Sorry that town is (excuse my language) a fuck show, when it comes to diversity.

Nazi’s can keep that shitty pizza. I have DiFara’s. Also let’s not forget Wolfenstein 2 is out. Best game I have played in a while. Why? Because you get to shoot Nazi’s.

Well, maybe if you didn’t hire a plane to embarrass your daughter, with money you don’t have, then you wouldn’t have money woes. Just a suggestion. Also, Will / Jada I only need like 1 mill. That’s not a whole lot of money if you are giving it away willy nilly!

Hon, no one likes living here. I mean come on it’s 2017 and no Starfleet academy. We were robbed. My biggest fear is that due to these statements Democratic candidates who are running to try and take out Monorail will be thrown to the wolves.

Now playing

Jan stop hating. Clearly Demetria gets the Animal seal of approval and you are mad.

“a national party shouldn’t be beholden to whatever candidates are most willing to fork money” but ain’t that America? This country was built on conmen and thieves and gangsters.

Go home. you win.

I JUST WANT IT TO BE A C-O-N-Spiracy tho!!! *tears hair out sobbing* That’s what I hate about this, that it’s true and real and no one gives a shit.

I don’t want to go all conspiracy theory, but here we go. This will not be the only predominately black town, I think that may other town who have a majority of black lower income households might have the same problems very soon. With the upcoming water wars, I believe that local government not federal, created a new

Girl, or boy, lol, you know why. Living around Black People gives them cred that they are “real” and open to diversity, until that new Ramen shop opens up on Malcom X. By the way the ramen is shit. Or the new grocery store on Halsey and Malcom X that is over priced shit. Or Casablanca’s cause that’s the new trendy