“Black people enslaved each other in Africa, and black people worked with slave traders, so …”
“Black people enslaved each other in Africa, and black people worked with slave traders, so …”
That’s amusing how they want to destroy something that benefitted white women more than any other race or gender. They never discuss anything like that when talking about Affirmative Action. Just like how Welfare / GI Bill when first introduced only meant to help white people. Man, their fury of control, knows no…
I am only here to say. HOW DARE YOU USE ANIMAL as an example for that funky moron. Animal, has an impeccable record of being an amazing drummer, extremely non-racist, and fashionable to boot. This Muppet has more class than that fartknocker would any day.
Honestly, I am not even laughing, I am sitting at my desk freaking out trying not to freak out. Fuck this president need to go. He needs to be assassinated right fucking now. This asshole is going to get us all fucking killed for his small dick ego.
And therein lies a problem. How many years did it take for you to intern at your particular job and is there any foreseeable future of you taking a permanent position at said job? Now there are many interns in entertainment, and I am not saying that they do not have their share of troubles. However, this twisted game…
I mean... have you seen this video. People are dumb af now. Side note http://www.vox.com/world/2017/4/12/15276530/tillerson-russia-lavrov-press-conference-moscow this happened, so I am waiting for either Russia to spill beans on Trump bullshit or nukes. Either way, we’re all fucked. Hoooraaayyyyy!!!
Back of her knee, I would say headshot. I am not one for violence, but sometimes it’s necessary.
Best response ever.
UGH STOP giving this woman a platform! Why are we still listening to her?
I mean I am curious but not enough to pay 20 bucks to see it. Netflix maybe. Salma you are gonna have to work for it to gain my attention. Plus I can just watch The Last Supper, it’s basically the same film.
I want more Latinos in films creating a dynamic cinema. It’s extremely necessary especially right now. Innaratu, cannot be the only one. Lol. History of Latinos especially in America is a fascinating and vast subject matter. There is the conflict of the Afro diaspora and the connection to Latino involvement. Latinos…
I was going to say. Maybe Salma’s attitude toward Jessica Willams helped her with her “method” acting for this film. After that whole incident, I have a very skewed view of Ms. Hayek. It’s not a very pleasant one. Also why Hayek? I mean I understand, but I would have preferred it being an unknown.
I’m never put anything on Instagram or post anything to facebook on my whereabouts. I don’t tag people or share anything when I am at a party especially selfies. Cause I am too fucking paranoid about the government. I even have the police scrambler case for my phone. I am old.
He had the most amazing smile. His smile just lit up a room. Man...I can’t believe we lost another great person.
OMG! That has been me all day every day after this election. Especially his conversation at work. That happened to me too. Also, I love Cory’s illustration skills!
God that song is literally sane American people speaking to the Trump Administration. That should be our new anthem.