Kyo Soma A.

I like Terrance but man...honestly it’s the same shit different day. I feel like I should just shoot the same thing with you know diversity. It would be a breath of fresh air, just take some classical music, twirl the camera around, not too much like Noe. Then have vo of someone whispering shit. I would probably use

No, I think that was his underhanded way of mocking transgender bathroom issues. Since he’s dressing in attire that would be deemed as female, and while on the show he’s mocking and attacking the transgender community. Saying that they have mental problems. Although, I think I am giving him more credit. I don’t think

I just wrote about that. Wtf, you don’t have to be a jerk, Belle. You have eyes, you read. So when you see peasant kids working don’t be a bitch.

The costumes aren’t great but what irritated me was her walking where the kids were cleaning their clothing. If I was one of those kids, I would’ve been pissed. “Hey asshat, Don’t walk on my makeshift washing board. I am working cause I only get a penny a day. So fuck off. But you know I’m provincial and boring so

If people honestly don’t think that white government isn’t trying to kill off black people and people of color, I really don’t know what else to say. All evidence points to YES!

I was so glad Schiller said no. Milo at the end of the day is a Colvin candide asshole. Secondly I’m glad Wilmore called his assistant out. However I would have loved if Wilmore went further in to dismantle Milo’s idiocy on transgender and his thought process. Specifically to being up British engineer and founder of

What! Oh I’m going to look this up. I felt something was odd about the photos. Thanks for the info.

Kayyyyyyyyleeeeeeeeeeee Mackadoodles is Privileged and Racist White Lady Version 1.0 - Boo to you for making people look at me crazy while I am laughing hysterically at my desk.

That’s true. The beauty of collagen. How I miss it so.

Are they wearing the contact lenses that make the eyes bigger?? The photos looked kind of distorted I wasn’t sure. Oh the gun pose I did that when I was in 7th grade.

HA! True. Any sounds of people of color not getting accepted into apartments due to housing discrimination. But you know hey! 1970's right!

You can knock out Seth MacFarlane (?) reason being when he had The Cleveland Show. Later in the season, the bits he was using was starting to become more like a minstrel show and to him, that was becoming way more offensive. He backed off and canceled the show. The reason why I know this is because I have friends that

Umm, no actually that jackanape uses black men as Mandingos and went on record to claim how proud it was using black men as studs as if he’s Calvin Candie. Please stop the more you type the more embarrassing you sound.

I wouldn’t even say PC is being polite it’s just a different way of stating what the golden rule is. I love when people bitch about PC and yet they are “Christian” give me a break. If you were actually “Christian” you wouldn’t accept white supremacist bullshit ideas.

Ok! I got a little worried. =) As long as you are ok.

Is your husband a bad person???... I hope you are not staying in something that is destructive, cause you are worried no one is going to like you. Cause that isn’t healthy. Just saying. Plus people are going to be assholes you are going to meet Leonard’s but you could miss on meeting someone great.