Kyo Soma A.

Ugh, that’s just sad. I don’t know what kind of foolishness he’s done before since I usually avoid him.

Wow, Meat Beat?! Next you’re gonna throw at me Milk Cult.

Just sayin’ they didn’t do a film on a wrap up on any of the Gen 3 kids. I mean I know they kind of wrapped up everything for their season. It’s just no one from Gen 3 really stood out to me.

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The track pants need to be a little wider but here’s my song

I don’t think that is an unpopular opinion. I think that’s just an observation that is due for discussion. I was watching Hidden Figures and this trailer came on. Part of me was a little annoyed that I had to see a trailer like this before watching Hidden Figures. Yes, interracial relationships happen, yes marry

Yeesh, that kind of gives me the creepy crawlies. What is this The Night Porter the sequel.

I just want to say HA! I CALLED IT FROM THE FIRST TIME! So lil’ back story, I went to a brunch and everyone was talking about how they all loved Maxwell and then they gave me the brush off because I said was it all an act. I don’t buy his b.s. he tries way too hard. If I had to choose bt. him and Tricky (Adrian

Omg this is adorable. I love it!

I mean there has to be something beautiful about Russia. There has to be. I mean they had the fantastic poet Pushkin ( who was half black and was damn proud of it) yet they bury that any time it comes up. I mean... there has got to be something? Cause all I see is just out and out bullshit not that the US is any

I said this before and I will say it again. There was a reboot called Arise that had an American female character whom ScarJo could have portrayed, and if she did her research she could have suggested it to the director. Plus they could have headlined her name within the franchise. This is how we all know that ScarJo

South Park has some limitation on what I find as funny, however, I respect them. I own Orgazmo, unlike Lopez, they show nuggets of truth on the topics they discuss, they are satirists. That’s hella different from Lopez. Lopez couldn’t deal with a person who in disagreed with a long boring tired drawn out racist trope

Honestly, I think Kanye said it best on his thoughts of what constitutes fashion. But it ain’t Ralph tho! Which if he actually did know and understand Couture fashion Ralph would never be considered high fashion. He saw a white designer as the pinnacle of high fashion not Jeffery Banks, or http://www.wantlesessentiels.

I’ve seen Delirious enough times to know the mark, as I have said before. Yes, jokes can be offensive, which means everything is fair game. If done well that shows you are a pro.

Actually, he’s not a token, he’s the main characters best friend. His father I think is a doctor and mother I am not too sure haven’t seen it in a while. He’s the headstrong one of the group. So far I’m excited for season 2 and more of his character’s arc.

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Fuck Kanye. Never liked him. I will stay Bowie for life, and Prince, and George. Pfff, Kanye and his triflin’ ass Enter the Void stealing videos

Actually, no, a great professional comedian changes the dynamic of the perspective through the audience. Through the faults of humanity. Lopez doesn’t do that. Also don’t rope Carlin, Pryor, Murphy, Mooney or even Hicks with Lopez. Lopez uses you might be a redneck bullshit comedy to receive a laugh. The other comics

I agree.

Thanks! Sent!

I could tolerate Skins more than My So-Called Life and I was a teen at the time when MSCL came out. I just couldn’t fathom that show, nor did I feel any connection to any of the characters. There was Ricky ( I think that was his name) and honestly, I would have preferred the show’s focus to be on him. With Skins,

It was a British tv show, also a reference for rolling papers to smoke weed.