Kyo Soma A.

Good! She is a wonderful person and I am glad she did this.

Just gonna say that. Also that this whole just “American” statement doesn’t work because that hints to nationalism. We all have seen how that pans out, there is nothing wrong to be proud of your country, but America’s or certain ones still don’t understand that race and gender is a cornerstone of how the country

I guess I am really old. The first teen movie where I balled in the theater was Untamed Heart. I was 13.

It’s not but history shows that every time.Trump wants isolation or a different form of it, that doesn’t work anymore. The rust belt is dying, their people will die (figuratively and literally) due to their lack of education and resources. Which could have been changed through funding on new forms of technology to

But the issue is that it’s not just rural America anymore. Because their breed is dying, and they won’t adapt. It happened in the Industrial Revolution and it’s happening again, they will be ashes in due time. Unless they adapt themselves and learn new ways within our different economic /technological structure. And

Yeah, people seem to forget that. The GOP was planning this since day one Obama came into office. They did it back in the 60's when they wanted Strom Thurmon in office, however, there were more Dems in seats. They have been planning this for years. Dems need to figure out how to turn over the house and senate soon.

I read that today I was so happy!

Permanent dependence will be a continuous issue, especially within a country this vast. Also due to the fact that our world is overpopulated, and will continue to be unless women’s health concerns are not gagged but discussed and learned. However, I don’t want to get sidetracked on that issue. Cause it’s a can of

Ummm after this whole evil world we plunged (well the morons) plunged us into. Yes, that’s exactly what we have witnessed in a way. It wasn’t so much of “cool” whereas it’s more of ultimate magical negro effect to the 10th power. When he spoke to the constituents of the Democratic party, they seemed to forget that

This is what i don’t understand, you say that you prefer smaller government. The cornerstone of the GOP. Everyone from top to bottom of this new administration has no special interest to you. Many of your voters live down south some in for example the wetlands of Florida who are extremely knowledgeable of the

Also, pardon any errors or typos. With what I just wrote to you.

Well, I cannot answer for everyone cause we are not a monolith group and maybe others might have issues they would like to bring into focus. As far as I can see it starts with this. Actually listening to what we have to saw whether it is good bad or indifferent. If there is an ethical systematic right that has been

First off stop, because your commentary lacks education and information for anything on this topic. Secondly, as I have said before in another post-connecting the division of white women and women of color, during the Suffragettes movement. When and if you talk about the USA you will have to talk about race. Since

Well, when you break down the history of protest, people of color (I will focus on black women, and white women. It’s a slippery slope. Let’s take it back to voting rights and white women. In the 1860's yea suffrage had roots in anti-slavery. However, when finding out that using and obtaining any support from black

Me too.

Ah! Ok. now I see where you are coming from. (btw, the tone, for what I just wrote is not snarky by any means) Sometimes, when writing the tone may sound different. Thank you for answering my question.

Hanafuda koi koi

Honestly, I thought that Duck Hunt was what the article was about. I was like why are they getting upset with a game like that. can’t get the duck.

It’s not an overreaction, this site is called Lifehacker. Abortion, if you are for it or not, is a life issue. This isn’t a political site, I am glad the article didn’t make it into one. This only an article detailing the process when it comes to having an abortion. As Kodithic stated before to Jeremy.
