Kyo Soma A.

Awww, my mom and I used to say that to each other. She was a huge sci-fi fan.

Well, Spielberg has been a huge fan of the movie (not the comic) which made me suspect of him handling the work. Him taking on GiTS was a bad idea. If he really wanted to delve into film adaptations of anime he should have picked Lain or if he was so hellbent on GiTS it should have been under the story line of ARISE.

There was a really great article, about the spectacular speech, and how it came to pass. Rutger made the the cameraman cry I think.

From what I heard the musician is a HUGE Vangelis fan so he was like If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, I will add additional touches but basically it’s perfect on its own. Which I respect.

Accurate gif for this statement. Lol. So true.

Also, just wanted to add 96 or 98 % black women voted for Hillary. So we came out to vote everyone else failed.

Death is curable, just chug or hold a phoenix down and g to g. But blindness?! The hell! I mean Geordi LaForge basically had a blueprint for obtaining eye site. They couldn’t just download that shit? Not buying it. Lol.

We know that, but goddamnit your constituents are not making it easy. Lol. I mean this is some fucked up shit right here.

That’s what I thought. So his friend is probably lying.

Also, I had a question. His friend could have had a serious brain injury if they didn’t drive him somewhere. The problem being, if someone suffers a brain injury you probably should move the body around thus creating more damage to the person at risk. So he could have killed his friend right? I’m not a doctor but that

I don’t have my drivers license, one cause growing up I went to boarding school and we didn’t really need cars. Totally not making that sound snarky, cause it wasn’t. Two, I mostly live in cities so public transpo has always been my route of getting around. Now that theirs Uber there’s even less reason for me to get

Yeah...this is me shocked. Humans continually prove that our self-interest is ouroboros qualities dedicated to the destruction of ourselves.

Ha I will keep that in mind. I am level 70 so hopefully that won’t be a problem. So you can crash the flying car. Also spoilers.

thank you

Thank you much appreciated.

I am glad that you mentioned Jewish and Black activism at your school PLEASE keep that up. I am hoping that during this debacle of a presidency, the Black and Jewish communities start to strengthen ties. Or learn to rise up against the implanted racism government (cointelpro) installed onto our communities. Government

Ugh, I am not even going to respond to this person. Yeah, ok, dude you are the authority on my actual history. Like, what is he talking about, THERE IS A NATIONAL DAY CALLED LOVING DAY. Due to this event happening during the civil rights movement. Albeit it’s not a recognized holiday accepted in the US, there is a

“It should accept Loving vs Virginia as a real part of the Civil Rights movement. To this day it gets treated as this “other thing” that happened adjacent but not as part of the Civil Rights movement. No one asks Mildren or Richard Loving to speak at any sort of Civil Rights function, and the movie was passed over by

Yes. everything you have said. yes. Jesus fucking christ. You know when the world burns around them and everything is ash. They still won’t be happy. I feel like I should send them this book but they just wouldn’t get it.

Just want to clarify, did he yell that or “We die in Aleppo, you die here,” Also how are they justifying this as an act of terror, cause the person who shot him was a police officer. Not some random citizen.