
Imagine being a high school/junior high school teacher and having this debate with your colleagues. Urgh. And them not getting the point, even when I explain why their way of viewing this is genuinely hurtful to both our female students, who are reduced to their bodies, and to our male students, who are seen as

I have relatives who are high school teachers, and have had this debate with them. They’ll say things about how high school girls are all dressing “slutty these days” (ugh), their cleavage is too much, etc etc, they just want attention. And I’m like listen, WHY do you care? Why do kids have to dress professionally?

 “I don’t know what the fuck we talk about!“

I just watched Sarah’s new special. I liked it a lot. Especially in comparison to Schumer and CK’s disappointments recently.

As I have said before, Sarah Silverman is totally hot.

“Women, in general, get a lot of pushback, especially if you’re successful and attractive.”

Exactly. I was taken aback by how many people here seem incapable of reading a critique without understanding that A. Nobody’s saying you should or shouldn’t enjoy it and B. It’s ok to like problematic things, especially if you can acknowledge their issues.

And? That’s the hook of the film, and all well crafted films about teenager feels... since we were all teens once.. I too identified with a 15 year old fictional teen girl. Yet I’m not a girl and never have been.

Hey, not every movie can be Crash.

I “broke up” with a dude friend of 20 years over this exact conversation, except it was about final season Joan in Mad Men.

On a related note...I’m watching with my husband, and I’ve found his reactions to be very interesting. Like I am normally the one who watches 60% of Game of Thrones with my eyes closed cuz I just can’t handle it or whatever. But watching HMT, HE is the one who is like shuddering every other scene and totally horrified

I admit that I’m not going to watch this out of self-care. I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian church with patriarchal leanings. The Handmaid’s Tale might cause me to have a mental break and I’m not going to risk that. For me, it is too real. I know the people that want to take us back.

Several men have commented that they don’t have an interest in watching it because “it seems really feminist.” NO SHIT! And that why you should watch it and then come at me with your “this couldn’t really happen” bs so I can take you down.

My dad and I have been arguing over email because he just doesnt think it’s realistic at all. I have decided to do the mature thing and give him the silent treatment half our of spite and half out of self-care.

Wow, I didn’t know SNL even had enough female cast members to do a Handmaid sketch.

More than one man has commented to me that he couldn’t stand to watch HMT because he didn’t like seeing the mistreatment of women. Huh!

Normally I’d have something pithy to say about Amber/Elon, but after everything she endured with Johnny Depp, I just hope this relationship is good for her.

The first part of your paragraph was great. No one's judging you for having mostly male friends. You do you. However, you really should have stopped before you started listing a bunch of stereotypical, rather offensive "women" attributes. For Christ's sake, I love shopping AND watching football. While I don't always

I've had the same problem. Don't dull your shine just because other women can't handle it. Women who are threatened or intimidated by you will never be good friend material. Strengthen your current relationships and seek women who are just as strong and smart as you.